
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Because you are Dying to see a Baby Picture...

So, did ya know that I am kinda sorta pregnant RIGHT NOW? It's true. Just in case you missed the last month or so of my blog where I HAVE TALKED ABOUT NOTHING BUT IVF (you all are so patient with me and the rambling...) I just thought I would mention it. Actually, one of my readers left me a comment saying that I am PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise) and I am really a big fan of this! I can enjoy this next week rather than just worry that it will end. For now, we are pregnant....

So...wanna see a picture of the embryos?
Are you actually surprised that I would already be posting pics of the little guys on the blog?? Come on now. This is all I've got! Aren't they adorable? Yes, I know...the bottom one takes after me a little more..see that bump on the bottom left...clearly she likes to grow extra stuff like her mama (like endo, or an extra layer of gum or a second set of tonsils!) and then the top one, he takes after his papa...see how he is tall and skinny...of course, if they had turned the camera 45 degrees, he would look a little more short and fat, but whatever...totally the spitting image of his father.

No, we haven't lost our mind, but Nick and I do like our first picture. Actually we really love both little embryos already. We just need them to decide they want to be the ones to stay around for another nine months, and then forever and ever.


  1. Aww, they are awesome!

    And you're right... you ARE pregnant! :)

  2. What beautiful children you have!!!

  3. Ummm.... I could be wrong, but the bottom one looks like a hatching blast to me. You know, an over-achiever! That's awesome! A day 5 transfer really has higher odds of working! Congratulations!

  4. Tall and skinny. Ha ha ha! I see it!!

  5. Very cute entry. The last part was so sweet. :)

  6. I love them!! I need to start buying "I love my aunt" stuff right away!!

  7. They look awesome. Good luck and here's to more pics over the next 9 months!

    Wishing for you!

  8. awwwwww! the bottom one looks sort of pensive and the top one is totally SMILING!

  9. OMGosh the top one IS smiling! It sort of reminds me of Rollie Pollie Ollie...

    Divide and conquer little guys! GO GO GO!
