
Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Daily Update

Well we got a call from Doc's office this morning. The girl in charge of our sweet little embryos called to let us know that from our nineteen that fertilized, that seventeen were dividing perfectly! Number eighteen is still alive, but has yet to divide. They are keeping him around just to give him a little more time, but looks like for now we are sitting strong at seventeen!! So, what does this mean? First off, she said our egg quality is really great. We have several eggs that are at the highest level (level four) and then several that are level three. She told us that Doc has decided to wait and do a five day transfer to give the embryos more time to see who stands out as the best chance for pregnancy. I was worried that there may be a problem and that was why they were waiting until day five, but she told me it was really a luxury we had due to our high number of eggs. Some thrive between days three and five and some don't, so this will give us the best chance of putting in the strongest of our embryos. That is obviously what we all want, so we are very happy to be waiting to give them more time!

We got a call checking in on us today from a family friend down in Florida who is a fertility specialist. She seemed THRILLED with our progress, and really put me at ease with where we are. She was very excited they had postponed us to a day five transfer, and she let us know that she strongly suggested we only implant two embryos. Since we will know exactly how many we have to freeze going into the transfer, I am more okay with the idea of doing two. We are still going to wait and see what Doc says, and see how the embryos do between now and then, but if we have lots of healthy embryos to freeze, we will most likely play it safe and go for two!

Thanks again for all of your thoughts prayers and comments! The amount of support you all are giving us is overwhelming and so appreciated! I will update you all again tomorrow when I get the call from the lab!

Also, Happy happy birthday to my dear best friend Charing! Love you my sweet friend!


  1. awesome! great news! what a way to start your weekend!

  2. Whoo hoo! What good little eggs! I cannot even put into words just how excited I am for you two. Thanks for the update! :D

  3. Aaaahhhh such great news! I'm so excited for you!

  4. Yeah! Don't you just love those calls? Can't wait to hear how your little embryos are doing tomorrow.

  5. That's great news! Wishing you luck!

  6. Great news you know I just wrote a piece on fertility and ovulation and the pain. I would love to ahve you guest post for maternity week. :)

  7. Great news :)! Good luck!

  8. Yipee!!! Congrats on so many great embies so far!!!
