
Monday, September 8, 2008

Good News

Well, I finally got some good news from Doc! (okay, it is sprinkled in with bad news, but whatever, we are staying positive around here)! I went in for my ultrasound and blood draw this morning. I kinda wish I had a camera. as he rolled the ultrasound wand over to my right ovary he his eyes were HUGE and the nurse said, "You look like Swiss cheese!!" So...I still have a lot of eggs. A lot of large good looking eggs. He then panned over to the left and it was more of the same. So then we had a little chat. He said he would estimate my egg count to be between twenty and twenty five (can't really count because they are sorta everywhere in there). He expects me to at least struggle with mild Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), but that the chances that it is serious(like have to cancel the transfer and freeze all eggs...or worse go into the hospital) is less than ten percent. With the size of my eggs, he really did not want to cancel the cycle, but he wanted to see my estrogen count. If all looked good, we were moving forward for an egg retrieval on Thursday, if it was a little high we would give it more time, it it was super high, he would call it all off.

I got the call this afternoon that my estrogen level was "perfect" and we are rolling into the retrieval for Thursday at 7:45am! That is like, TWO DAYS AWAY! I am on Lupron tonight, then my trigger shot tomorrow...and then I AM DONE WITH INJECTIONS!! Now, to the not so good part. Yes, I have 20-25 eggs, but he said once you get over 15 or so, they start to get small and usually not viable. Now, he said my top fifteen should be as good as anybody elses. We are hoping at least a couple of the other five to ten are keepers as well. I am most likely going to feel like crap for at least a little while. He is still hoping for a day three transfer, but we have the option of a day five transfer or, if I get really ill, freezing all embryos and transferring once the OHSS has passed.

There isn't anything we can do about the OHSS now, so I am trying to not worry about it. I am focusing on the positive. Twenty to twenty five eggs. Even if we only end up with ten to fifteen good eggs that fertilize...I will take that start. I know that you lose some along the way, and the more we start with the better! So, we are excited. And terrified. But for now, I am sticking with mostly excited!


  1. Such exciting news! I will be thinking positive thoughts for you guys on Thursday. Whoo hoo!

  2. Oh my goodness that is FANTASTIC news! Congratulations congratulations congratulations! I know you are beyond excited. I hope you are feeling ok. Thanks for the update, I am so glad you are getting all of this great news!

  3. Good luck! Hoping you avoid OHSS! I had a mild case, it was uncomfortable.

    Take care

  4. wow.
    Best of luck for the retrieval!

  5. oh this is an exciting post! i've been waiting for a post like this from you! good luck! :)

  6. That's terrific! Enjoy your good news!

  7. Whoa, girl, you are really making some eggs in there!! This is so very exciting!!

  8. I had OHSS and they had to freeze my eggs. I had 22 retrieved and 16 fertilized and are now fozen. The recovery from OHSS is HARD! I felt fine up to egg retrieval, bu t afterwards it was rough. I was on bed rest for a week and there is no way I would have wanted to go into work. Going up and down the steps was strenuous enough.

    Anyway, hyperstim is pretty serious. Good luck!!

  9. WOW WOW WOW This has been FAST (okay, probably not to you!). Fingers crossed!!!!!

  10. Sarah!! So good to hear from you. I thought that was you in our class, but like you said we didn't get to catch up. I am adding your blog to my favorite and going to pray for you as you go on this journey. Keep in touch.
    Em Stout

  11. It's great that you have so many eggs. Congrats! And Good Luck!
