
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Boo!! (and of course an egg update)

I did get my call this morning from Doc's office. All seventeen embryos are still looking great! that one little guy never started dividing, but she said it is to be expected with a group this big. She was really excited about how well we are doing and wants us to come in at 7:30 on Tuesday Morning for the transfer! She did tell me that I will not get a progress report tomorrow (HORROR) because since they know we are going to day five, then they don't want to add any stress to them by even bothering to take them out of the incubator. I am okay with that...babies come first...but I will miss my phone call. Now, on to a very important non-fertility topic!

So my perfect big sister is officially thirty today! Her adorable husband Chris had her a rockin' party last night at their house. The house was adorably decorated, the dinner was delicious, the drinks were...great I assume. I was working on my sprite all night, but everyone else seemed to love them! It was honestly a perfect thirtieth birthday bash! Now for some pic's of the event! (I seem to have left A LOT of people out of picturse, so if I somehow managed to not get a picture of you, I am so sorry! Mrs. Who...How did I miss you??? I still love you and will do better at the next big event!)Here is the birthday girl herself! She loves a good party!And here is the amazing host of the shindig! I helped Chris a little with the planning and I must say he was a little surprised with how much planning goes into a color scheme for a party! he did an amazing job and I know Boo loved every second of the night!Boo with some of her school friends! (including a couple of bloggers that aren't always so good at keeping up with their blogs! Teachers...)The adorable Bee FamilyAnd then one of me and Nick...this is a little late in the night and I am looking...tired. My mom with my aunt JosieRyan and Arielle enjoying the UK game! We ordered it on Pay-per-view, which turned out to be a big hit with most of the guys at the party!Rhi and Charing (the other birthday girl!) looking adorable!Boo's sister-in-law Gayla and her boyfriendSpeaking of sisters-in-law, here's mine! Oh how she makes me laugh. Her and Davis had been at a cookout all day and she said he was stinky...clearly she is not a fan...

Finally she said she would hold her breath and take a real pic...awwww...true love! is Me, Boo and Charing. I really am almost done...I have a picture taking addiction...

My mom with big Charing

Nick and Ryan just chillin'...but a cute pic

And finally, the birthday girl with her wonderful husband! Chris, you did a great job throwing an awesome party! Boo, way to go on turning 30! We love you lots and lots. Happy Birthday!


  1. Looks like you had a fun night celebrating with your sister! Glad to hear a good update, as well!

  2. Looks like a fun party!

    Good luck waiting! The egg report sounds great! Wishing you luck!
