
Sunday, September 21, 2008


First off, let me tell you that I woke up this morning at eight am and could not fall back asleep. My eyes popped open and my mind was up for the day. This typically would annoy me on a Sunday (if it ever happened, which it never really has) but once I rolled out of bed I realized I could, like, get stuff done! I have already been to the grocery store, come home and put everything away and it still isn't even noon! I typically don't roll out of bed until about this time. When I got home at 10:30 Nick had already mowed the lawn and was weed eating. I thought I was leaving the house so he could at least get some sleep, but I guess we both have a lot on our minds this week and sleeping isn't as easy as it used to be....

Anyway, I was wanting to show you all something my sweet husband made when he took the day off for my egg retrieval. I spent the majority of the day in bed, and Nick is just not one to sit and do nothing ( I, on the other hand, love a day of nothing). I am not sure I have mentioned it on here, but Nick is a builder. He made all the furniture in our living room (coffee table, book shelf, entertainment center). For my first birthday that we were together he actually made me a coffee table with a mosaic of a camel in the desert on the top. It. Was. Awesome. We used that table forever, but then he made a new one (no mosaic, but still very nice) for this house. His father and grandfather both make furniture as well, and we have several family pieces around the house. It is something that I love to think about him passing on to our children.

So, a day or two before the retrieval he had this idea to make a built-in type half bookshelf for the living room. He was going to paint it to match the fireplace and chair rail, so he was able to get inexpensive wood and the entire project cost about $25. He got to work on it a little the day before, but basically when we got home from the retrieval we had some wood in the garage, and when I woke up that night we had this...
am I lucky or what?


  1. You are indeed VERY lucky! What I wouldn't give for a handyman/handyperson around my house. I am the only one around here who is remotely "handy" and my skills are limited.

  2. First of all, the shelf is BEAUTIFUL!!! You are sooo lucky! If I ever met a man who built bookshelves for me I would die a happy woman. (you know how much I love to read...) Awww, Nick, great job.

    And I am counting down the days with you. :)

  3. Would you mind sending him over my way? I have a very handy husband who is also very lazy. That combination just doesn't work.

    The days are passing quickly!!

  4. Um, ok, this, the's too much. I'm dying for built ins at home. This is gorgeous! You are certainly a lucky gal. :)

    Thursday is soon -- at least it's not a month.

  5. How much do you charge to rent him out?

  6. Let me guess he's handsome and handy! You are lucky! :)

  7. Wow! Can I borrow your husband for the weekend?
