
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just Hours Away...

So we are on the official count down (what? so, yes I have been counting down for two weeks, but THIS is like the FINAL count down!). Thirteen or so hours until I take the blood test, then about for hours until we have the results. I am just getting home from an all day conference out of town for "young professionals". It was actually really interesting, and was the perfect way to spend the day before the test. Getting out of my routine and being busy really kept my mind off of the "what ifs". I had to be at the lab at six am to be at the conference by nine, and the next thing I knew I was touring the Corvette Plant, which for the record was pretty cool even for a gal that knows nothing about cars...and then heading home. I got back to the house around seven, and it was one of the fastest thirteen hours I have ever had! As an added bonus, due to all the overtime I don't have to go to work AT ALL tomorrow! How great is that??

So...I think I am talked out. I am thought out. I am just ready to know. I think I am ready either way...or at least, I am as ready as I can be. A negative will be crushing, but I know it is possible. We have our six frozen embryos, and I just have to remember them if it comes back with the wrong answer. Either way I will let you all know sometime tomorrow afternoon. Thank you so much for all your thoughts, prayers and support over this past month (and year). I am not sure how I would have gotten this far without all of you guys. Now, just seventeen more hours...


  1. I am so excited and cannot wait. (The waiting is killing me - you would think I am the one who is trying to get pregnant.) Best of luck to you and Nick!!

  2. Good luck! I think it will be a BFP. Because I think you will have a BFP, I am tagging you. Visit my blog for details.

  3. Good luck!!! (Ooh a tour of the plant, I am so jealous! We managed to be there for the opening of the museum, but missed the tour!)

  4. I can't wait to hear your results! I'm sure it's a BFP :)!

  5. Good luck! Good Luck! GOOD LUCK!!!
    crossing all crossables for you!

  6. Ok I'm refreshing your blog rather obsessively. Like someone said above, you would think it's me waiting to hear.
