
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Transfer

Well I am back home safe and sound on the couch with the laptop. There was good and bad news from the transfer, but everything with the little embryos looks great! (which is by far the most important part!) We transferred in two Grade AA (highest grade) embryos. While we were there , there were already four that had "blasted" and were ready to be frozen. There were seven more that were looking good and that they would freeze tomorrow as long as they blast. They said they don't expect them all to, but that there should be more to freeze tomorrow!

The rough part of the day was the fact that Doc could not get the catheter past my cervix. Like couldn't do it. Would not go. He said it was because of the progesterone I was on, along with my enlarged ovaries. He fought with it for a long time (very painful) and then had to use the clamp (yeah, it was as unpleasant as it sounds.) They assured me that this would have absolutely no effect on the embryos or the IVF. The embryos were still in their little incubator during the entire wait and he said once they got into my uterus, it would be just like any other IVF.

Since I have been home I have not been feeling great. I got up from bed to use the bathroom and there was a surprising amount of blood. I called the doc and the said to call them back and let them know if i am still bleeding in an hour. They said the blood was from the clamp on my cervix and not from my uterus. That the embryos were fine, and most likely I was just bleeding as I was laying down, and it all pooled and came out at once. They said not to that is remotely possible. Still, I trust them and what they are saying makes since. The clamp hurt like hell and I would not be surprised for it to lead to some bleeding. Still, this is not what I expected, and so I am just a little shaken. It will be a long wait to next Thursday for the test!


  1. Hang in there, Sarah - and take it easy! It's sofa city for me today too (my transfer was yesterday), and now it's just a lot of sitting and waiting and praying. And hoping the bloating in my abdomen will finally start to go down. Best wishes. xo kristin

  2. AA - wow, you already have super-smart kids!!

    Hope you are feeling better. Keep us updated.

  3. You take care and rest. Thank you so much for updating, especially since you do not feel so hot.

    Clamp on cervix - OUCH!! But it will be worth it. I am still so excited for you. :D

  4. Clamp on cervix=makes me squirm a bit.

    Hope you feel better soon, and thanks for the update!

  5. Good Luck - Fingers crossed

  6. You are so brave to go through this. I had some testing done when I was trying to get pregnant with Nicky that involved catheters and clamps. I remember how uncomfortable I felt for weeks after. I don't know how that compares to what you've been through, but I'm sending you my greatest sympathies either way.

    Good luck! I'm sending fertile thoughts your way!

  7. Fantabulous! Sending all kinds of nice sticky embie vibes!

  8. Ouch! And YAY!!!! You are now officially PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise).

  9. So sorry to hear about what you had to go through. Let's hope that you won't have to go through that ever again though. Just reading the word clamp made me tense up a bit. You are such a trooper. Hang in there! Plus, at least it won't effect the process, just a yucky thing you had to endure.

  10. OH MY WORD Sarah. I sat here, clutching my abdomen as I felt your pain.

    Should I be reading things like this??? :)

    Praying for HUGE stickability for you Sarah.

    I've now had 5 days of injections and am still okay. Collected my GonalF and Lu??? from the pharmacy today and now I am SCARED looking at the size of those needles!

    Dear Lord, what we go through for babies!

  11. Sending lots of prayers your way. It sounds extremely painful but I am glad that everything went with with your A+ Embryos! This is good news!! Feel better!

  12. Yay for good embryos, but sorry about the clamp and pain. My mock transfer was painful and I believe there was mention of using a clamp during the actual transfer. Looking forward to that! :::not:::

    I trigger in about 15 minutes and retrieval is set for Thursday morning. I get a narcotic, a sedative and a local anesthetic, so I'm hoping maybe I won't feel the pain of the clamp. Maybe? Please?

    :) Carrie

  13. I am literally crossing my legs in discomfort reading about the clamp. You poor thing!

    I'm totally sending a billion positive thoughts your way.

  14. Ouch... you poor thing, I had the clamp for one of my transfers (and threat of clamp for another one). I actually asked to see it during one of my last transfers, it's no clamp, it's like salad tongs with pincers on the end! I am getting chills just thinking about it.

    Wishing you good luck and lots of frosties!

  15. My goodness....I am so sorry you had to go through that. Now stay busy, busy, busy and Thursday will be here before you know it.

  16. Hope it goes well for you, and the bleeding is a false alarm.

    The Broken man

  17. Quick question, Sarah.

    So how many embryos did you guys end up freezing?
