
Sunday, October 26, 2008

29th Birthday

So today I am 29! We won't talk about next year. Last night Nick and I went to my ten year high school reunion, which was actually awesome. I am so glad I went and will tell you all about it later this week. For today, Nick is in the kitchen making me French Toast, the flowers he bought me are in a vase in the living room (awww...), and we are setting off for a day to drive the back roads to look at all the little Kentucky towns with the leaves changing (we are huge nerds and absolutely love is actually how we spent our honeymoon) and then off to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I gotta say it seems like a pretty perfect birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great day to me. ((hugs))

  2. Happy Birthday!

    Secondly, you are not huge nerds. G and I take drives or walks like that all the time. Either to A) look at nice old homes duering the fall with the leaves changing, or B) look at Christmas lights on nice old homes covered in snow.

    So yah. We're weird.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I agree - you aren't nerds - Tim and I actually just came back from a long walk around the commons and nature reserves around here - we are really cold now but it was just too hard to imagine staying in and missing the changing of the seasons. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

  4. Happy Birthday, Sarah!!! Yes, sounds like a perfect birthday...many blessings!

  5. Happy birthday!!!! Hope the drive was great.

  6. Hope you have a Great Birthday!!!
