
Sunday, October 5, 2008

5 Week Belly Shots!

I don't have time to do the wedding post today, so instead, you get the first belly pictures! Yes, it is a little early for belly posts, but I thought I would go ahead and give you a starting point picture. I wont post the belly shots again until there is some form of a actually took me this long to be willing to take the initial picture because I have felt so big lately (which is supported by my inability to wear my own pants!). Saturday was the first day I have worn something that is my own, so I thought it was now or never!Shirt down...and then actual (non-)belly!


  1. Awwww.... sweet pics! It'll be great to compare all your belly shots!!

  2. You are SOOO cute!

    My tummy looks like that (or bigger) normally LOL

  3. oh my word. i would love to have your bod now!

    but it's amazing really. i had belly shots done too and it was just amazing looking back and see how huge i got!

  4. I know this is totally random as I only just found your blog but I wanted to say congratulations!! I actually found your blog by searching for other bloggers with endometriosis and am so happy to stumble upon yours and see you so happy!

  5. Sarah, I talked with a friend of mine who went through IVF and she said once on the bloating goes down from IVF you are usually 12 weeks pregnant and sporting a bumb. Enjoy your own clothes. I wasn't in mine for long....enjoy this time :)

  6. you may not have a belly yet but you sure have that "glow" that goes with being pregnant. The belly will come!!!!!!!
