
Thursday, October 2, 2008

5 Weeks

I swear I will someday talk about something besides being pregnant on tomorrow! When I promise (fingers crossed just in case) to post the pictures of the Dirty Thirty party! Still, for today it seems like at least one more nothing-but-pregnancy post is appropriate seeing as how I am officially five weeks pregnant today. Five weeks sounds so much better than four (and six will sound better than five). Everyday that passes it makes this seem more real, and at the same time so much more fake. I am fighting the urge to call Doc and ask for another blood test. I want to be reassured that my numbers are going up. That I am STILL pregnant. I know this is the infertility talking. Doubting everything I know. Still, this two and a half week wait to the ultrasound feels like an eternity!

So I am fighting the urge to call for now. Believing Doc knows best and that if I needed multiple blood tests, I would be getting them. As crazy as if sounds, I would love a good wave of nausea right around now. Just to prove that things are happening. As it stands, I feel pretty normal. Just a slightly more tired, bigger boobed version of Sarah. I know it is early, and the signs will come. For now, I love that I am officially five weeks along!


  1. Please don't say you wish for nausea! You really don't, trust me!

  2. I'm with lizzy :)

    I've already prayed and I believe that I will have just a little bit of nausea to reassure me that everything's okay but not more than 5 mins!

    just call me bossyboots!

  3. You can write about whatever you want but your fans demand a pregnancy update EVERY DAY.

    We have spoken.

  4. hi sarah~ our due dates are one day apart :-) i am totally with you about waiting for eternity for the first sono..i go in on the 14th! i did a HPT on Tues to make sure i was still prego ;-) going to do one more next week since i have an extra. i haven't had any signs of pregnancy either..

  5. Congrats on this new milestone! Can't wait to see the pictures . . . . :)

  6. I'm with Mrs. Who. Pregnancy update everyday please.

  7. Yay for bigger boobs.

    Sorry, did I say that out loud...

  8. I agree with others. We want pregnancy updates.

  9. hey, ditto all the others. i don't mind at all reading your pregnancy posts!

    i remember when i was first pregnant with the princess, i couldn't believe myself. i think i kept buying those pregnancy tests and every so often go take one!

  10. I am also agreeing with Mrs. Who! I love hearing all about your pregnancy! Five weeks - whoo hoo!!!

  11. You do ~not~ want to have nausea. With my 1st two pregnancies, I didn't get morning sickness until 7 weeks and at first, I was so happy to FEEL something. And then I realized, "holy shit, nausea sucks."

    Instead, remember that you ARE having the best symptom of pregnancy - which is the lack of a period. :)

  12. I am with some of the others, skip the nausea! I had it with both my PG's and it wasn't fun!

    Enjoy and good luck!

  13. Yeah, the nausea kind of bites. I'd say skip it.

    Pregnancy updates are great. Keep 'em coming.
