
Friday, October 17, 2008

Giant Sigh

Nick's car won't start. It's true. The '93 Buick Roadmaster is having issues. Who ever would have ever thought. (Go ahead and laugh at the Roadmaster, but seriously, it's a smooth ride!) Nick is going to try to fix it this weekend, but he thinks it is the starter, and in a Buick apparently the starter is hard to get to. We may have to use a mechanic...and that will cost money. Money that we just don't have. Between taking on the new bill for the IVF, and the rising costs of ALL of our living expenses, things have just gotten tight. I know we can make it work. We make enough money, it's just getting used to the changes. Each time that it feels like we can handle it, that we can adjust, we get hit with something else. It's just when your house payment, home owners insurance, gas bill, electric bill, water bill and cable bill all go up over a couple month period, it stings. Add in the stress of wondering where the money will come from for the babies insurance and childcare (and you know, STUFF. Lord knows babies need stuff), and you get two kinda stressed out soon to be parents. I know with the financial crisis the US is in, our issues are small, but they sure are real. And it sucks.


  1. Sorry about the car trouble! I hope you find the money... it's true we always adjust. Good luck!

  2. I am sorry to hear this - however much we make it can feel so hard. Since I moved in with T earlier this year he was made redundant and I was on minimum wage so we barely survived and now I have a better job and he is working we feel so rich but it still isn't enough to feel really comfortable - not when everything is going up in price! One of the reasons we have decided not to try for children for another few years is because we know we just do not have enough money at the moment and we want to enjoy the bringing of new life into our world not worrying that we can't even pay our bills for two of us. Of course we also don't fel we have had enough time just te two of us yet so it wasn't a hard decison but it stil factored into it! So I hear you - and am holding a good thought for you all!

  3. I hear you and empathize. You've been spending money on IVF and I've been spending money on a wedding and the cost of EVERYTHING seems to be going up. Can't believe what groceries are going for nowadays. Seems like I buy one little bag of stuff and spend $100. Hang in there. You're not alone.

  4. Breathe my friend, breathe. It will all work out. I know it's hard to see how sometimes, but we have to trust that it will! Good luck getting the car stuff worked out :(

  5. It all works out, trust me. Everything falls into place, it's hard to plan for the upcoming expenses that come with a baby.
