
Friday, October 24, 2008

Not the Best Plan...

You know what is a terrible idea? Taking both your dog AND your cat to the vet at the same the pouring rain. You know what makes this idea even worse? Thinking you have a cat carrier, then finding out right when you need to leave that you, in fact DO NOT have a cat carrier and there for you must drive across town with your dog in the back and your constantly meowing cat in your LAP. In the rain. You know what is just the worst idea of all time?? Attempting to get the dog out of the car even though you know she HATES the evil vet while holding the cat, in the rain. Your feet will slide out from under you and you will nearly break your neck (and nearly crush your cat). You will then run the cat into the vet alone and make some stranger hold your wet freaked out cat and go back to get your dog. Your dog that will pee on a coat in the back seat due to the HORROR of being at the vet. Fun times all around.
For the record Ellie is perfect. She just needed her shots. She was just past due, so when I made the appointment for Sam I thought, "well, I am SURE I can handle them both! How hard can it be???" Right.
Sammie had to go to the vet due to him throwing up ALL THE TIME, plus just acting a little weird. They did some blood work and we will get the results tomorrow. He needed a geriatric blood panel, which always makes me sad. I mean, is sixteen and a half that old?? I didn't think so. He's still a spring chicken!

My little sister came to our rescue and met me at the vet with a cat carrier, so the trip home was MUCH less eventful! Now we are just hoping nothing comes back bad with Sammie's blood work.


  1. What cute babies! Sam looks so regal and Ellie looks as though she is dreading the vet. :) The only bad thing about pets is when they get old.

  2. Oh! You poor thing! I can only imagine! My parents' cat is horrible about riding in the car... a really sad sick meow is a constant thing the whole way to the vet. I can't imagine having both in the car by yourself with no carrier! I feel for ya girl! Hope everything's okay with Sammie!

  3. Oh no! That sounds like a nightmare! Ack!

  4. But what an excellent picture of Ellie you have! Sammy is "cute" but Ellie looks precious! Let's see, next 6 year it can be a cat and a dog and a baby going to the vet...:O)You'll really need little sis to rescue!

  5. Hey Sarah, I was really uncomfortable in my own clothes early...I think I have a sensory issue combined with the excitement of the possibility of sporting a bump. As for the extra three weeks, I am good. I almost finished the second twilight book...Holy Cow these are good.

  6. Wow what a day - hope you didn't stress/hurt yourself too much?! Your darlings are gorgeous - hope all comes back well with the blood work too!

  7. My mom used to do that with our dog and cat in carriers next to each other in the back seat. I think she was crazy!!! Glad you made it and the pets are okay :)

  8. I am sorry for laughing at the situation, but it is one that is all too familiar. Only mine is done with two cats. We have to start hunting them down an hour before it is time to go, I swear they know when it is vet day. Then go through the horrifying process of getting them into the carrier. Once we do get them in the bags shake like a cartoon character is trapped inside.

    Glad everyone is healthy. More happpy that you did not break your neck or squash Sammie in the process.
