
Friday, November 14, 2008

The Holiday Season is Here

You wanna know what I saw in my next door neighbors yard this morning? This...

There is even more to it, which I will photograph for you later (this was of course a sneak picture...couldn't let them SEE me photographing this for the blog). There are candy canes that line the sidewalk and reindeer with heads that move (FREAKED my cousin Liz out when she lived here with us). All packed into the smallest front yard imaginable. Their dedication is sorta impressive...

When I realized that our super classy neighbors (who god bless them, really are sweet, they just LOVE the holidays) already had the Christmas decorations up on November 14th I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Can't they wait until after Thanksgiving!" I myself. I am alone in the car. Then I turn the radio to 94.5 to see if they have started the 24-7 Christmas music yet. They have. Another eye roll...followed by a good two hours of driving around singing to the Christmas songs while I ran errands. I do love Christmas music...


  1. I am a crazy Christmas freak this year. No retail work for me!!!!! :)
    Honestly I have been fighting the urge to decorate already. And I watched Christmas videos on YouTube
    yesterday. Christmas Fever!!!

  2. Since college I have taken up the mantra "Christmas is fair game after Halloween" However DH has forbidden me to put up anything Christmas or play Christmas music until AFTER Thanksgiving.
    Silly man- doesn't he know who is boss around here?
    I still have my T-day decor up though, so maybe it really is him?

  3. my daughter asked me the other day, "Mommy is Santa Clause coming tonight? Why are all the Christmas stuff out already?"

  4. I can't WAIT for CHristmas music to start here. I"m such an addict! Hubby won't let me put any decor up until Thanksgiving, but I always draw up a "plan" which is a sketch of our decor so everyone understands where what goes. Hm, when I type that, it sounds kinda crazy. Oh well. It is what it is!!!

  5. It's early and that may be a bit over the top. But, I wouldn't turn away some Christmas music.

  6. The only thing that I would give a pass on being put up prior to Christmas are lights on the house just so that it doesn't have to be done in the freezing cold and snow. However, if I put lights up this early, I wouldn't be turning them on yet.

    Re: Christmas music. You HAVE to get Josh Groban's Christmas cd, Noel. If you don't know who he is, you are missing out. His voice is - well, it's just amazing! That boy can sing and his Christmas cd is awesome.

  7. Hehe - here in the UK it seems once Guy Faekes is over on November 5th it's Christmas, Christmas, Christmas (well it is before then too but now Guy Fawkes is over our city is turning on it's Christmas Lights this coming Sunday!!)

    I hate that it drags out so long... mostly because I LOVE Christmas and feel I have to fight the urge to sing songs and watch films until December arrives and that is so hard when it is all around me. Saying that T and I did watch The Santa Clause the other week when we were both ill and yesterday I spent the day ironing clothes whilst watching the Tweenie's (a kids' programme) Christmas special *blushes* and I had no kids with me!!

  8. You better get busy buying some of those inflatable Christmas decorations for your front yard.

    You know you want too.

    Actually, the Bean will love all that stuff next year!!! You can just walk over and show it all to him/her. Isn't that just too fun to imagine???

  9. I was just thinking that I really need to get our house Christmas ready. We don't do the yard decorations, but I do like to get the tree up and make the house smell good.

    The problem with the Christmas music being 24/7 already is that by the time Christmas actually rolls around I want to go to the radio stations with an AR15.

  10. I love 94.5

    Next Christmas will be fun!!
    and the next and the next....
    I'm very excited about my grandbabies.


  11. It gets earlier and earlier every year. I don't mind the early attention to Christmas... I just hate it when I am burned out on Christmas music by Dec 15th... lol

  12. I am still waiting for those photos of this you promised to post later.. Tarp.. lol
