
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Never Mind about that "Too Early for Christmas" Stuff...*SHAME*

So remember how on Friday I was all like, "CRAZY NEIGHBORS!! Who puts up Christmas decorations NOW??" Right. I remember that too. The thing is...I went out of town yesterday to do some Christmas shopping...and when I got home...I saw this in my living room*...

I was also woken up to Christmas music being played in the house. Did I ever tell you that Nick LOVES Christmas. LOVES IT. He said he was cleaning out the attic yesterday (damn he is always working on something) and decided to go ahead and get the Christmas decorations down. He put them in the garage...except the tree. He went ahead and put that in the living room. Right. He said we would wait to decorate it until Thanksgiving weekend...but...I don't want to wait NOW. NOW that we have the tree, I want to put lights on it! and ornaments! and light a fire in the fire place! and watch "It's a Wonderful Life" ! AND...have it be CHRISTMAS!

Does it make it any better that when we woke up this morning we had this on our cars...

That's snow people. Once it snows it is all fair in holiday decorating! Okay....we will keep our window closed until Thanksgiving so nobody sees we are the people that put a tree up early...*shame* (then laughs and starts to sing "We wish you a merry Christmas" unpacking the Christmas presents bought yesterday)

* We do not have a stuffed polar bear as our tree topper. That is one of Ellie's Christmas toys. Also, look at Nick in the kitchen...he is celebrating me saying the tree can stay. I do love him so.


  1. I LOVE it! I'm totally listening to Christmas music right now! Drew gave me the go-ahead to start figuring out the "plan" this morning! I'm so so PUMPED! Now I have to clean my house... :)

  2. you are not alone in your secret Christmas decorating...we may or may not have a mini tree with presents under it already ;)

  3. AHA!!!! You realize I am now going to have to put my tree up this week now. (I have been dying to - thank your Christmas happy husband for me!!!)

    Oh, and I listened to the Christmas music station when I was in town this weekend. :D

  4. Count me in! I'm putting mine up tomorrow!

  5. Hey girl! You have plenty of time to shop/buy baby furniture. Just know it takes 4-6 weeks for delivery! How are you feeling?
