
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This Again?

Well remember back when I was all upset about having my Thyroid levels out of whack? How having them out of whack can lead to miscarriages, and the last thing I needed was one more issue? Then right after the positive test Doc checked the levels out and said all was good and there was no need to worry. Well, I totally stopped worrying...basically. I just thought it wouldn't hurt to get them checked again, so when I had my first OB appointment with BabyDoc I asked them to check the thyroid while they run the other blood work. I got a call yesterday that my thyroid is once again high...or low...or whichever way it is that causes hyperthyroid issues. They had me come back in for a complete Thyroid panel (she did not sneeze this time while drawing the blood) and are suppose to call today or tomorrow with results. I have no idea what happens if it is found to be really off. I have no idea what any of it means and I am totally avoiding Doctor Google. All I know is that thyroid issues are directly related to miscarriages, and that freaks me the hell out. I am so glad I asked to have it rechecked. Now I am just waiting to hear what we do about it...


  1. Friend...don't worry. I will start praying for you and that sweet baby. please keep me posted.

  2. No worries girl! I'm sure everything will check out okay! Hang in there, know that I'm praying for you, Nick, and your precious little one!

  3. Oh why is pregnancy so difficult for us infertile people even after getting a positive test ? But I think everything will be fine... I know you will feel worried and scared for some days, like I did, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

  4. Hang in there! I'm sure there's something that can be done.

  5. Finally catching up. Hope all is well with the tests!

    Love the tree! :)

    Take care

  6. Hope all turns out well with your tests.

  7. Have you heard back about the test?

    Thinking of you & sure hope this stupid thing won't screw up everything.

  8. I hope things come out okay and they can "fix" the issue easily if needed!
    You are in my prayers :)

  9. Hyper is up, hypo is down. I'm sure everything will be fine. Love you.
