
Friday, November 21, 2008

You Wanna Hang Out Tonight?

Oh wait...sorry...I have plans...

With the Cullens....

PS. I got the T4 results back and they look perfectly normal! They said I don't need medication and they will just continue to monitor it the rest of the pregnancy!! YAY! Now I can watch Twilight in peace...


  1. LOL have fun! Guess I haven't started the book yet (the shame!). Did you see South Park last night-pretty funny and I can only assume made fun of twilighters. Oh well;)

    Good to hear everything is in the clear for Baby C.

  2. Oh, I'll be interested to read your review of the movie! I think Tom and I will try to go over the Thanksgiving break. I MUST see it!!

  3. LOL... my cubi mate (cubicle mate) is heading for a showing at noon, then Sunday, too!

    Oh, and she bought the whole series a week or two ago... so I'm taking your advice & borrowing the books from her to read during my 2ww next month! :)

    Glad to hear the T4 number was good! What a scary week you've had!

  4. I'm so glad you won't need medication! Hope you're doing ok!

  5. Great results. I hope you enjoy the movie.

    Come see my site I did something pretty funny!!!

  6. I'll hang out with you in spirit while I'm seeing it tonight too!!!! I can't wait!

  7. I'll hang out with you in spirit while I'm seeing it tonight too!!!! I can't wait!

  8. yay that everything came back normal :D That's great news!

    Have fun with the Cullens. I have a date with them on Sunday afternoon! Yippee!

  9. First of all - have a great time at the movie! (I am jealous but I think Fran might go with me on a weeknight next week.)

    I am so thrilled your test results are normal!!! Great weekend all the way around. :D

  10. SO glad to hear your great results -- another hurdle jumped, my friend. Enjoy Twilight!!

  11. Glad to hear that your results were good! You look great! Enjoy it goes by so fast!
