- So first, the most important post of 2008 and maybe of my life so far...and then look at that sweet bean of a baby! (New pictures on Tuesday!!)
- One time, I got in a fight with a copy machine...
- And this other time I let some random guy call me Rachel...
- And this totally other time, I nearly fell down the stairs...
- Then we have my 100 Things post...if you haven't read this yet, you might want to check it out. It makes me laugh.
- Ah, remember when I got the Wii Fit....If only I still worked out on it...
- So when you get a flat tire...don't keep driving!
- I did some catching up on my correspondence.
- There was the time I told you all about my favorite shirt...
- Remember when I went to Chicago on that work trip and I packed the big suitcase (plus the small one and the laptop) and the coworker I had never meet brought only the carry on? Yeah. That was awkward.
- I am amazed with the number of posts about the infertility. I am not linking to many (hardly any) because I don't want to remember this year that way, but I thought this one about the blogging support was pretty good.
- Funny that I was talking about all Nick is doing with his week off. I totally forgot that I took a week off to just hang out at the house this year...didn't go as well!
- Then there was that time I went to the grocery and TRIED to have a plan and save money...I have gotten MUCH better at this now!
- Our big score from metal detecting in Florida! (worth millions!)
- OH, remember when I met the American Idols. Yeah, that was awesome.
- And to finish it off, who doesn't like pictures of Ellie in the snow??
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Best of 2008!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Out of Control
I would sit down and knock out a good 20-30 posts, then I would run out to get stuff done. I would come back...160 posts! How do I catch up??? I don't want to just hit "mark as read" because their might be good stuff in there! I am even worse with my commenting that normal, which is hard to imagine. (Have I ever told you all how much I LOVE your comments?? LOVE LOVE LOVE. And if you are a regular commenter on my blog, I have you on my reader. I am just the absolute worst commenter ever. EVER. Please don't let it hurt your feelings. I would promise to do better, but it would be a lie...) I am trying. I am. Hopefully sometime in January I will be all caught up and actually know what is going on with you all in real time and not still be reading about what you got for Christmas!
Monday, December 29, 2008
He just picked me up from work. We were suppose to go to the grocery store. I ask if he had the list and he says, "Well, I had it...but I already went to the grocery and put everything away...so we don't really need the list now". My heart almost exploded with love. That's all it takes for me. One trip to the grocery while I am at work. I then got home and he had dinner going. Delicious mushroom and spinach pizza. The house was clean. He built a new work bench for the garage. The litter box was cleaned out....he was productive with this first day he had off that I worked! He has a list for each day....a detailed list. And I would have just eaten candy and laid on the couch watching TV...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Eating for Two...Right??
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a picture of seven adults and four dogs with a camera stacked on top of presents with a timer?? It's tough!Me and Nick with my adorable parents. Yes, I have on the same shirt as the other Christmas pictures I posted. It is not the same day. My sisters and I always buy matching Christmas outfits. Seriously. Still. We match every year. It's awesome.
All the kids. This is the first time we have actually taken a picture with the hand on the belly...makes it look a lot bigger!
A cute one of the C family!
Ellie loves opening presents!
But after three days and lots and lots of turkey, she was exhausted! (notice how she is surrounded by her stuffed animals. She did that on her own...)
We somehow didn't manage to take pictures at our other family Christmas's but they were all wonderful! Hope you all had a wonderful year with lots of good food and wonderful time with family!
Friday, December 26, 2008
17 Weeks (and one day) with Belly Pics!
Shirt down...I am thinking my legs look pretty good in this pic!Shirt up. I think I look smaller here, but my guess is it is because I am wearing the sweater... I guess we will see next week!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
So I Never Really Think of Nick as Tall..
My Pa is a pretty little guy, but still...Here is one of just our family with my grandparents. There is a tree behind Nick...
And then one of all the cousins.
We had a perfect family Christmas with everyone. It goes way to long between visits with all my cousins these days, and I am so glad we hold on to the big family Christmas dinner! By next Christmas we will have two great grandchildren there. How exciting!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Things that are NOT the Baby Moving
- While sitting at work I felt a very tiny thump. I got so excited! This was IT! BABY MOVING!! I stayed perfectly still and THERE IT WAS AGAIN! ...and again...and again...very regular. Thump, thump, thump, thump...damn. It's my pulse.
- I read that it sorta feels like little bubbles popping. I am watching TV and feel something along those lines. YES. THERE IT IS! BAAAAABY! I sit perfectly still to feel it again and...GRRRROOOOOWWWWWLLLLLL....stomach lets out and unnatural growl. damn. I am just hungry.
- I wake up from a deep sleep in the middle of the night POSITIVE the baby just moved and woke me up! It is a super strong baby and the first move was POWERFUL!! I look down to see my cat laying against my stomach stretching. damn. He seems annoyed as I push him to the ground...
So that's it I think. My educational list of things that are NOT the baby. Apparently you feel the baby between 16-20 weeks, so this might be a LONG wait!
Friday, December 19, 2008
More Random Holiday Events
I did learn from some random pregnancy update that the baby is now sensitive to light, sound and pressure on my abdomen. I thought that was pretty awesome seeing as how it is Christmas (his/her mama and papa's FAVORITE time of year!) and some of the first things they will hear is Christmas music! That and a lot of their mama talking...just talking and talking and talking. Because it's what I do. Oh and the TV. I bet they are hearing a lot of that too...
Anyway, the Christmas spirit is rolling around here. It is pouring down rain and I really wish it was snow, but you can't win them all. I am off work (thank GOD) and am off to finish up Christmas shopping...which means I need to fill Nick stocking and pick him up a couple more small things. I have no idea what they are going to be, but I am sure I can come up with something! Later tonight we have my work Christmas party which includes dinner out at Outback (yum) and then bowling. I gotta tell you that there are six people who work in my lab, and two of them bowl ALL THE TIME. Like they are on leagues and what not. I am totally screwed...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
16 Weeks with Belly Pics!
Shirt down. I think I look smaller....
but then shirt up, not so much!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wait, it's DECEMBER 16TH!?!
I have had one gift to buy for the past three weeks. I still have one gift to buy (actually now I have two because I thought of someone else...). I have no idea why I don't just go get it, but I feel as if I have a world of time on my hands! I was looking at the calender at work and realized this weekend I have family Christmas with my grandparents and I work, and then CHRISTMAS is on Thursday! I have a plan in my head for the holidays, I just can't believe it is already time to put this plan into action!
Hope you all are on top of your holidays a little better than we are. I am now off to work. We got snow and ice last night, which is all sorts of beautiful, but really makes me wish I was a teacher. Then maybe I could spend the day addressing Christmas cards and doing some holiday baking!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Party!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Random Bullets
- The Trailblazer is back and good as new! My dad has a guy that does body work, so we got it done really cheap. Can't beat that!
- Nick has today off to get rid of some overtime. I have no idea how he manages to go to work on my Fridays off...I just want to curl back up into bed! It looks so nice...
- I made meatballs the other night, then as soon as I took them out of the oven I had to throw them all away (then get them out of the house because, oh my GAWD the smell...). I am pretty sure the meat was bad, but Nick said they smelled fine to him...but looked a little funny. I am not sure how anybody could miss the nasty nasty smell coming from the kitchen. We had a delicious salad instead.
- I have a Christmas party to go to tomorrow and I need to bring a gift that comes from my house (so I spend no money) that I no longer want, but someone else might enjoy. These are the rules. I think it is awesome, and yet I have NO IDEA what to bring...clock is ticking.
- Nick and I are going to see "The Day the Earth Stood Still" tonight. I am really excited and hope it doesn't suck...
- The new belly pic is up!
Okay, gotta get to work (oh how the bed is calling to me) so that's all for now! Hope you all have a great Friday!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
15 Weeks
So the sweet baby is now four and a half inches from head to butt (they call it crown to rump, but I like head to butt better...) and is the size of a beefsteak tomato. I don't actually know what a beefsteak tomato is, but it is the example given to me by Amalah. The baby is totally practicing breathing these days with the amniotic fluid, and it sensitive to light and pressure on my abdomen. Weighing in at a mighty 1.75 oz, he/she still steadily growing into a person!
As for me, I am great. My only complaint is that I have lower back pain that feels like a pinched nerve. I am thinking it might my sciatic nerve being aggravated. The doc said to just lay on a heating pad and take Tylenol. The Tylenol doesn't do crap, but the heating pad is pure magic. The pain is annoying, but not that big of a deal. All in all I feel wonderful and can't believe I am already 15 weeks!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bad Dreams
Anybody else had bad dreams like that when they are pregnant? (My best friend Charing said she had them about the war when she was pregnant, which I can also see being terrifying and I hope I don't add that to the list of horror dreams.) I can see why it is happening. My mind is terrified of losing Nick and being alone, or my mind is terrified I will totally screw something up with the baby, and it will, you know, be my fault that something terrible happens. It is my fears manifesting into my dreams, but damn they are horrifying. The wake up shaking kind of terrifying. I am really hoping it isn't something that lasts, but I have had one every couple of nights for the last couple of weeks. They never get better, and I never think while it is happening, "Hey, is this one of those dreams again??" I just FREAK OUT. So yeah, I am having bad dreams.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Bad Start to a Good Morning
She came in smelling like, well dog crap, so before either Nick or I could shower (we only have one...oh our little house) we had to give her a bath. Then I jumped in the shower while Nick blow dried her hair (she has this really full hair and she gets so cold in the winter if she is wet...and she is really spoiled) and somehow, miracle of all miracles, we still managed to leave the house on time!
So, the doctor! Do you ever really look forward to something, then its like nothing? That was kinda this appointment. We spend a good 40 minutes waiting to see the doc for about two minutes. It was an exciting two minutes I guess... I have gained two pounds which they said "only" about but I thought was pretty good! They said I don't have to sleep on my side like my pregnancy book said, or at least not yet. When he did the exam he said I was really growing, but you all can see that from the 14 week picture. We got to hear the heart beat, which was beautiful. We could also hear the baby moving around in there! He said in the next 3-4 weeks I will start to feel the movement! (creepy and exciting). We also found out that our next appointment (January 6th) we will get the big ultrasound! We aren't finding out what it is, but if we were, this would be that ultrasound. It is really detailed and they said we could bring a DVD to burn it on so we can show everyone! So exciting!
So that's it. A really annoying start to the morning what with the dog crap and everything, but a pretty great end what with the sweet little heart beat and the promise of an ultrasound in four weeks!