
Friday, December 26, 2008

17 Weeks (and one day) with Belly Pics!

Well I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We still have one more to go today with Nick's dad, but we have had a wonderful holiday so far. We just love Christmas. This will be our tenth Christmas together, our third married, and our last without a sweet little baby. Next year is going to be fun!

Anyway, to the weekly update! The baby is now starting to put on a little fat. This week marks the start of the growth of adipose tissue, so he/she is going to have lots of time to beef up! They are about four and a half inches long and weigh in at three and a half ounces. I don't remember the exact size from last week, but seems about the same. Still, I am sure now that they have fat cells they will start beefing up in no time!

I still feel wonderful. In a lot of ways I feel better than before I was pregnant. I am no longer dealing with my endo issues, and I honestly just love every second of this pregnancy. I am sure it helps that I have not been sick at all! I am pretty sure I felt the baby move yesterday. What a great Christmas present! I am not totally positive it was the baby seeing as how I have never felt a baby move before, but I am thinking this was it...I guess that's about it for this week. We are loving the holidays and loving the baby! Here are some belly pics from yesterday!

Shirt down...I am thinking my legs look pretty good in this pic!Shirt up. I think I look smaller here, but my guess is it is because I am wearing the sweater... I guess we will see next week!


  1. You look great. Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I love the belly picture. I bet you felt the baby moving. I was the same way at first not sure what it was but then she started moving around even more.

  3. Aw, you look great!

    I tagged you, by the way...

  4. What a great Christmas present!!
