
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bad Dreams

I have been having terrible dreams lately. TERRIBLE DREAMS. Those dreams that you totally think are really happening, and then a police officer knocks on your door and tells you your husband died in a car crash and you FREAK OUT, and then you wake up. OR, those dreams where YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for leaving the gate open and you come home to find that your sweet little perfect dog has been hit by a car and died and it is ALL YOUR FAULT because you messed up and you FREAK OUT, and then you wake up. Yeah, those kinda bad dreams.

Anybody else had bad dreams like that when they are pregnant? (My best friend Charing said she had them about the war when she was pregnant, which I can also see being terrifying and I hope I don't add that to the list of horror dreams.) I can see why it is happening. My mind is terrified of losing Nick and being alone, or my mind is terrified I will totally screw something up with the baby, and it will, you know, be my fault that something terrible happens. It is my fears manifesting into my dreams, but damn they are horrifying. The wake up shaking kind of terrifying. I am really hoping it isn't something that lasts, but I have had one every couple of nights for the last couple of weeks. They never get better, and I never think while it is happening, "Hey, is this one of those dreams again??" I just FREAK OUT. So yeah, I am having bad dreams.


  1. Pregnancy dreams...I had them too!!

  2. We may have discussed this... BUT I had TERRIBLE dreams when I was pregnant with Evie... It was when Hurrican Katrina happened and I was CONVINCED that some terrible virus was going to manifest out of all the dead bodies around and there was going to be a zombie apocalypse and I was going to have to deliver my baby alone... on a BRIDGE. It was a recurring one... To the point I woke up and would hug Russell to my chest and tell him that if zombies got me, he was to run... JUST GO! No reason for him to end up like Sam in I Am Legend... *sniff

  3. Got nothing on the pregnancy dreams, but did sleepwalk last night and it was BIZARRE. Funny how our minds keep working, no?

  4. Yep, me too. Mine were mostly about me not knowing what to do with the baby once it came tho. Which makes sense because I had no clue about babies when I got pregnant.

  5. i never had bad dreams (not that i remember) when i was pregnant with either of the kiddos. HOWEVER, i remember having some fantastic sex dreams when i was pregnant. :)

  6. I didn't have any "bad" dreams until much later in my pregnancy. I dreamt that I would leave the baby on top of the car in her carseat and drive away and I would wake up hysterically crying. However, in the early bit of pregnancy I did remember having some dreams that were so amazing that I would wake up feeling guilty, if you get my drift...
