
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Belly Shots

Okay, so here is the promised post of all the belly shots lined up. By the end of the pregnancy this is going to be a seriously long post! I will add a link to the side bar in the about "A Little More About Me" section (titled something catchy like "Belly Shots") and then whenever we take a new picture, I will just add it to this post so you all can see the change!

5 Weeks (turned the wrong way...oh well)6 weeks8 weeks10 Weeks12 Weeks13 Weeks (Thanksgiving Day!)14 Weeks15 weeks16 weeks17 Weeks (Christmas Day!)18 Weeks (New Years Eve!)19 weeks20 weeks21 Weeks22 weeks23 Weeks24 Weeks25 Weeks26 Weeks27 Weeks28 Week
30 Weeks31 Weeks32 Weeks33 Weeks34 Weeks
35 Weeks


  1. Great Shots. I did the same thing and now I can show my little girl when she bigger what I looked like. Also it is so neat to look back at how much your belly does grow and change.

  2. I can't get over the difference between thirteen and fourteen weeks! =)

  3. between week 5 & 6 you also had big changes.

  4. How cute are you!? Awesome pics.

  5. Your belly is so CUTE! I can't wait to see it for real tonight:-)
