
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Out of Control

So did you all notice I was sorta away from the computer during the holidays? No? I seemed to still be posting? Well, I wasn't posting AS MUCH, and I spent little to no time reading blogs (except you girls taking your pregnancy tests. I had to keep up with you!!!). You all may not have noticed I was away, but my Google Reader sure as hell did! It is OUT OF CONTROL. Seriously. I didn't realize how many blogs I read, but apparently if I decide to take a couple days off blog reading my Reader takes on a life of its own. Like 150 posts. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY. POSTS. That I REALLY do want to read! But like, that is nearly a BOOK worth of posts!

I would sit down and knock out a good 20-30 posts, then I would run out to get stuff done. I would come back...160 posts! How do I catch up??? I don't want to just hit "mark as read" because their might be good stuff in there! I am even worse with my commenting that normal, which is hard to imagine. (Have I ever told you all how much I LOVE your comments?? LOVE LOVE LOVE. And if you are a regular commenter on my blog, I have you on my reader. I am just the absolute worst commenter ever. EVER. Please don't let it hurt your feelings. I would promise to do better, but it would be a lie...) I am trying. I am. Hopefully sometime in January I will be all caught up and actually know what is going on with you all in real time and not still be reading about what you got for Christmas!


  1. no worries, we are all in the same boat! Happy New Year!

  2. I enjoy reading your blog. I like seeing all of the belly updates. I am so happy for you and your family. I hope you keep blogging. I like stopping by.
