
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2nd Blogoversary!

Well happy blogoversary to me! That's right. It's been officially two years to the day since I started old Bio Girl. Last year for this post I talked all about how amazed I was with myself for keeping this blog up and running. For not getting bored with it and letting it fall to one of those things I used to do. This year I am going to talk about how amazed I am with all of you. How I am amazed every single day to see how many of you come and read my posts and leave comments. At how many of you have become true friends. Your love and support and encouragement has meant more to me than I could ever tell you. It was a rough year with the infertility and when I needed a place to go to vent or to scream or to cry, you all were always there telling me it was normal, and that you totally understood. You are amazing. So, I guess I just wanted to say thanks for reading! I am sure I will be around with lots and lots of baby pictures for years to come!

As a total side note, we are in the middle of an ice storm around here. Luckily we still have our power, and it warmed up enough last night to just rain rather than keep freezing. I cannot imagine how bad it would be if that hadn't happened. Still the city is half shut down (UK is out so Nick doesn't have to work...lucky dog) and there are tons of people without power or heat. The temp is dropping again so we are getting more ice today and then 1-3 inches of snow.
It's really that State-of-Emergency sort of way...These are just a couple of pic's from last night. I will see if I can get better ones before it gets dark today. When I was taking them from my front porch I heard three trees crack and hit the ground. It is a real mess around here...


  1. Happy Blogoversary!

    Snowing/icing here too, although it's supposed to change to rain later. Bummer!

  2. Happy Blogoversary to you!

    I cannot believe the piccies - wow, we never get extremes of weather in Britain (our extremes are a sudden snowfall stranding cards on the motorways which happens oh say once in every 5 years lol) oh and the odd flood (last year was the worst) but I mean our floods are no match for floods in other parts of the world.

  3. Happy Blogoversary. That is so neat you have done this blog for two years. I just started reading your blog sometime in 2008. I enjoy it and I can not wait to see pictures of the baby and find out if it is a boy or a girl. Have you said your due date yet? You may have but I do not know it. I know two other people who are having babies this year.

  4. I let my blogoversary slip by this year - too busy setting up a THIRD blog. I must be insane. I guess you know your mom and dad are at Jenn's and Nana is here. I'm kind of enjoying having the company in the midst of all this awful weather. There are big, huge flakes of snow falling out there now. Very pretty. But I hope they don't screw with my power!!

  5. Happy Blogoversary!

    That is some crazy ice!

  6. Happy Blogversary! Hope your weather has improved!
