
Saturday, January 31, 2009


A calm has come over me with all this baby planning and preparation. I am sure now that I am telling you all that, I will have a panic attack in the morning, but for now I am really good! The nursery is rolling right along. I will do a new post with some pics soon. It might not look that amazing to you all until we get paint on the walls, but Nick has done SO MUCH in there in such a short amount of time it makes me feel positive it will be done soon. I say we will be painting in a week or two, and that takes a huge weight off my shoulders.

We went today to pick out a crib. I thought it might be stressful, but it wasn't in the slightest. We just walked around the store, picked up the few fliers of the ones we liked, narrowed it down, and just like that, BAM we had a crib selection! We did the pre-registering thing where we walked around to see what in the heck we thought we needed/wanted for the baby, and it went really well! I want to read some product reviews on the stroller and car seat before we make it official, but I think we will be comfortable with registering in the next few weeks. Somehow all those things that were stressing me out because we hadn't started didn't really take that long! Who knew?? All of you I guess, seeing as how you all told me there was nothing to worry about. Still it is a great feeling to be in control of our plans and to feel like we will totally be ready before June 4th!

In other news, Nick broke this icicle off our house...

He was really proud...

Really really proud

And he is hillarious. I am sure he has something to do with why my stress has settled down!


  1. Glad to hear things are moving along smoothly and you're feeling nice and calm!

    As for the icicle - WOW - I never knew such icicles existed 'til I lived in Russia and wondered why people kept looking up when entering buildings - that is until somebody showed me the size of them and how lethal they could be if they fell on you lol... no wonder Nick is so proud with such a big icicle (I had to rephrase that as I almost said something rude unintentionally lol)

  2. We got a Chicco car seat and stroller for our little one. It is really a great buy for sure. So there is a brand you can check into. Love the ice pictures.

  3. That is a big one!

    Glad you found a crib (we had nothing with our twins, I was about 30 weeks and a couple friends lent us two cribs! Good thing or our kiddos would have been sleeping in their car seats! :) )

  4. "...By the Power of Grayskull!..."

  5. That is one GINORMOUS icicle. Didn't know they were actually still considered icicles at that point instead of "giant ice swords" but, eh, what do I know?

    I was the same way with stressing, and it all comes together so quickly. :) You'll be ready before you know it. Can't wait to see pics of the nursery!
