
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Little Things

Sometimes I wish I was better at writing about the little things. I wish I could capture moments that are important to me, and do so in a way that isn't boring or pointless for you all. I feel that I can write a pretty good funny story. When I fall down stairs or do something ridiculous. the sweet moments...they are much harder for me. Still, as much as I love you all for reading and commenting and being such a part of my life through this blog, I still use it as a form of personal journal. The main and most accurate history of my life. So I will tell you all about last night. A pointless and boring story that doesn't come across well in writing. But when I read it later, it will remind me of this happy memory, and I want to remember the little things from this pregnancy too. I worry if I don't write them down they will just be lost.

Last night I made dinner. Once we were done eating the baby was moving around a lot. I have felt actual movements on the outside of my stomach a couple of times, but Nick hasn't been able to catch one yet. I told him to give me his hand and I slid over to his side of the couch. We have the same discussion we have had every time he has tried to feel the baby as he places his hand on the top of me belly...I move it down below my belly button. He smiles and says there is no way the baby is only down there! What is all the rest of this space for?

We laugh and I lay still. Five minutes or so pass and there is no baby movements. I think we have missed it again, but I take his hand and say, "Just give the baby a little shake!" and jostle my stomach a bit. He gets so tickled. He is laughing so hard as he yells, "don't SHAKE the baby!!" I get so tickled at the HORROR in his voice. Laying there with him on his side of the sectional, his hand on my belly, I am cackling with laughter. It isn't helped by the fact that every time I laugh, my belly shakes more and he keeps saying "Don't Laugh! You are shaking the BABY!!" as he laughs harder and harder too. Finally we both calm down and give the baby another ten minutes. There is no kicking. He or she must be settled. We will try again tonight, but all day I have thought of us laying there and laughing, trying to feel the baby, and I realized it wasn't something I wanted to forget.


  1. Sarah, that is such a sweet, sweet story and you told it perfectly. :)

  2. Awww! That is such a sweet memory :) I think it's hilarious that he was afraid to shake the baby while it's in your belly! LOL

  3. You don't give yourself enough credit -- that's a lovely story, and you told it so well.

  4. Awwww I LOVE that story!! Tell more of those! I think that is super special! What a great moment!

  5. This is wonderfully written, I wouldn't ever worry about it again!

    It's a sweet story, and there will be plenty more moments like this;)

  6. are very wise in putting it in black and is so easy to forget the sweetest things as years fly by.

  7. What a lovely moment. (I think the baby knows when you want your husband to feel them and they get really quiet on purpose! :) )

    Take care

  8. Um, this made me smile and almost brought tears to my eyes. How sweet! For the record, you are FANTASTIC at writing down the sweet moments like this one -- even if you feel like it was small - I think it was beautiful and I'm glad to have read it!

  9. With Kaila it was always food that made her wove. This baby it's water. LOL
