
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Gig!

So let me tell you all, I am doing the coolest new thing. My sweet friend Erika over at Chic Shopper Chick has asked me to join her in doing product reviews! I get a really sweet deal seeing as how people contact Erika, and if the product is infant or baby related, she will pass it on to me! I get the product shipped to me (MAIL!! I LOVE getting mail!!) and then as long as I like the product and would suggest it to a friend, I will write a recommendation for the Chic Shopper fans to go check it out. Erika has an awesome policy of no product bashing, so if I get something I don't think is good enough for you all, I will simply let Erika know. She will do the dirty work and let the company know we have decided to not write a recommendation. This way I never have to be mean, but I never feel the need to lie and say I liked something that I didn't! Win, win. So to recap, I get free awesome brand new cutting edge baby stuff, and then I get to TALK about it! Does life get any better?

So, if you don't have Chic Shopper Chick on your readers or bookmarked on your computer, go add it now! I will let you all know when I review a product just by including a note in my post for that day, but everything Erika reviews is worth checking out. She has an amazing talent at finding really cool products. So jump on over to CSC and check out my new gig, and all the other stuff that is getting reviewed!


  1. How cool! I can't wait to hear about all the cool stuff you get!

  2. So exciting that we BOTH have new gigs. Maybe we'll make it to BlogHer yet!!

  3. That is so neat. I wonder what products you will get. Can't wait to see them. Congrats...

  4. Wow! I just read the post about you of CSC too! Awesome!

  5. Yay! I'm so glad to have you on board! Thanks for doing this!

  6. So cool.. I love doing product reviews!

  7. Oh how cool - can I sy, jealous?! lol cannot wait to see your reviews!
