
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Project Nursery Part One

So Nick is officially rolling on the Nursery. He waited a few days to get started because it was bitter cold here (remember the frozen milk?) and he didn't want to have our walls exposed to the outside temps. Anyway, he really got rolling on Friday and I must say he has made some great progress! Pictures look a touch terrifying being that this is going to be my baby's room REALLY SOON, but remember, things look worse before they look better!

For remodeling documentation purposes, I am only showing you one corner of the room. At the end I will show you pre and post pics from other angles...Anyway, here is the corner before we moved the computer out of the room. Cleared out and molding down...First cut! No going back now...Current stage. The paneling is down and the new electrical is run but not yet hooked up. He is hoping to have it done by the end of the week and we can drywall this weekend! I want to say it is easier than we expected, but Nick might disagree...seems to me that all is at least going smoothly and according to plan!


  1. Can not wait to see this baby's room. I know it will be a great room. Both of you are putting it together for your little one.

  2. I am just so impressed that you even had the OPTION to do this! We would have been clueless -- we were proud that we managed to install some chair railing (cut at the proper angles with the saw and managing to only slice one tape measure in half in the process) and a shelf in Audrey's room! Go Nick!

  3. I am so impressed with Nick! (as always!) How great is it that he has so many handyman skills? Think of all the money he saves you!
