
Thursday, March 19, 2009

29 Weeks

First off, you all are awesome. I am LOVING all your comments and guesses on my poll from yesterday! Seriously, you totally made my day. Now if you didn't have time to vote (or just forgot...or thought it was dumb...) you still have tons of time! Mainly because this is my poll and I will leave it up and running as long as I like...which might be forever (okay, it won't be forever because I DO want to make some graphs, but it will be up for a while). You don't need a google account or anything because this blog takes anonymous comments. It's so EASY. Obviously you all want to make my day and vote too, right?? Click here to play along.

Okay, now to the actual point of THURSDAY. I am now officially 29 weeks! That is the last week in the 20's, in case you didn't notice. The way these weeks keep flying by, I am actually going to have a baby before I know it! Speaking of our sweet baby, he or she is still growing like a weed. Apparently the baby weights around 2.7 pounds and is 16.7 inches long. Everything I keep reading is telling me that the baby NEEEEEEDS calcium right now, so it is a good thing I am in love with all things dairy. Seriously I drink more than a gallon of milk a week all by myself. Plus all the cheese and the ice cream and the sour cream...right. I love dairy. So I think this baby is going to have the strongest bones EVER.

As for me, I am still great! I like eating, but the undying hunger is...well, dying. I guess I am getting full a lot faster. Maybe because I have a big old baby pushing on my stomach these days. The baby is still giving me lots of kicks so I know he or she is doing good in there. I am starting to feel pretty large, but mostly I still just feel like me! Just a larger version of me that needs to remember to be careful when I open a door so I don't knock it into my stomach. I will get used to this thing right around the time I give birth! Now to belly pic's....
Shirt down
Shirt up


  1. Looking great as usual :o) I had to laugh when you said you bump the bump when opening doors... I can't quite get my head around the idea of having to compensate for being bigger in front, must be hard!

  2. Congrats on 20 weeks! By the way, there is a gender reveal over at my blog.... :)

  3. You still look great. Can't wait to see what you are having. I still say girl.

  4. Looking good!!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. It's almost time to meet your little exciting!!

  5. Whoa - those shirt up pics are impressive :) Keep up the dairy!!!

  6. Hey Sarah! You look so cute and are such a beautiful pregnant woman! So excited for you and Nick - you all are going to be such fun parents! Hope you are feeling well - not too much longer for you! Shelby (Lynn) marshall

  7. Ha ha I just reread my post and I called you a pregnant woman - you dont look like a pregnant woman at all - we are not old enough to be that term - pregnant girl, I meant pregnant girl!
