
Monday, March 23, 2009

Crazy Overreacting Emotional Pregnant Girl (AKA Me....)

So I called the doctor this morning...and burst into tears and told them the baby wasn't moving like normal. Not exactly that the baby wasn't, it just wasn't moving LIKE NORMAL. Right. You see, here's what happened exactly. Friday night I woke up feeling like a had been punched in the cervix. I am not sure if it was a swift kick from the baby or maybe a strong Braxton hicks contraction, but either way it took my breath away. Since then I have had this pressure. I was aware of it over the weekend, and mentally evaluating to decide it I needed to call the doctor. Saturday I noticed the baby really wasn't moving much. Still over ten kicks in ten hours (the line at which it is time to call according to the doc) but this baby usually has ten good kicks in before I make it to work in the morning, so it was a clear decrease.

Yesterday things slowed down more. I only felt a couple kicks over the entire day, then I ate something and laid down to really get the baby moving before I went to bed and maybe got seven kicks. Enough to put me over ten for the day, but I wasn't satisfied. I woke up this morning and had my apple juice. It usually gets things going. Nothing. Not a kick. I ate breakfast...went to work...nothing. NOTHING. I though things were fine, but maybe I should call. That's when the emotions took over. As soon as the nurse got on the phone I broke down. BROKE DOWN, PEOPLE.

Of course, what with the hysterical pregnant girl on the phone, they told me to come right in. I had Nick meet me there...because of all the new terror. Deep down I really thought it was fine, but every minute after the call that passed without any movement freaked me out more and more. They put me on the non-stress test monitor and it took her two years (maybe a minute) to find the heart beat. At which time I once again burst into tears. This time out of relief. I was then ready to hop up and head back to work, but they wanted to monitor me for a while. They kept coming back in to see if I had felt movement, and I still hadn't. Finally the doctor got out the little tape measure, put it against my stomach and pulled it really hard. Making an extremely loud noise. Which REALLY made the baby mad. The sweet little heart rate jumped up from the 140's to the 170's and was followed by several VISIBLE kicks right into the meter that basically made it clear that the baby was saying, "WHAT THE HELL MOM! I WAS SLEEPING!!!!!" Right. Sorry sweet baby. Mama is just a little neurotic and emotional these days. Go back to sleep...

The doctor assured me I did the right thing. That they always want to know if there is a change like that. To not think I over reacted. Better safe than sorry. All good things to hear. She said that the new pressure and the decreased movement is most likely from the baby moving down some. She said as the baby gets bigger this can happen, but they want to keep an eye on it and to call back if things feel off to me again. Of course now I have felt the baby move about a million times over the rest of the day. At least they won't have another hysterical phone call...for a few days at least...


  1. You did the right thing! I've been there before and it IS scary! Thank goodness they are so kind to calm our hearts! Follow your gut!

  2. Phew! What a relief! Glad baby is ok!

  3. Sounds like you have a very caring doctor. You do not get that much. I was happy to read that all is well. Never be afraid to call. You are going to be such a wonderful Mom.

  4. Okay, the baby's voice made me laugh out loud. So glad everything's okay - you call whenever you need to, it's their job to take care of you and baby!

  5. I'm glad baby is fine and the doctor took the time to really check that!

  6. I have had a few breakdowns at the doctor as well :) Blame it all on the hormones! So glad Baby C is great and kicking away.

  7. You are so smart to trust your instincts. I went into preterm labor at 31 weeks.... just didn't feel well...just felt different... Ended up on bedrest but I am glad I trusted my instincts. take care.

