
Monday, March 9, 2009

Just What We Needed!

Well, as a main highlight to this past weekend*, look what we got! Why yes, this IS our amazing (and SAFE!) stroller/car seat travel system with an extra base for the other car! AMAZING, right?? My sweet and wonderful childhood best friend and her mom stopped by on Sunday with our gift for the baby shower because she wasn't sure they could make it. They pointed out that we need lots of things, but this one is required to take the baby home from the hospital, so it seemed pretty important! I couldn't agree more, and I am SO EXCITED to have it!

For the record, I really was going to have Nick put it all together and take a picture of the actual stroller and car seat and not just a box, but we were running around all weekend and we just never had time. is a picture of what it will look like once it is assembled!That works just as well, right? All the amazing ways the Internet lets you be lazy...

*Our weekend was full of many highlights, like grilling out with friends, 70 degree weather, (wearing flip flops!) dinner with Nick's dad, seeing Watchmen...which I didn't really like, but I do always enjoy the movies! bla bla bla. it was a great weekend that officially felt like Spring! Hope you all got the nice weather too!


  1. Lovely travel combo! The warm weather is thrilling me, too. :)

  2. Nice stroller! Very nice of her to be so generous!

  3. That's the one we registered for!

  4. That's the one we registered for!

  5. You see, when you live in can wear flip flops ALL. YEAR. ROUND. :-) The downside is, you gotta keep your toenails looking good.

    Love the stroller!! That's awesome!

  6. We love ours and that is a fact. I can not wait to wear flip flops. I have awhile for that.

  7. After all that talk we ended up getting a Chicco too but in a different color! Can't wait to push the bays around in warm weather :)
