
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Poll ( Come KNOW you want to Vote!)

So I have been thinking about this for a while, but seeing as how I have started to obsess over the topic in my head, and I have nothing else to post about, it looks like it is time for a poll about the sex of this sweet baby! Now don't be shy. I am always amazed with how many people stop by this blog in a day, so just click on the little comment button and put in your vote. I will be all sorts of depressed if nobody comes over to vote in my super important poll (what? this IS important!), so click on over out of those readers and leave me a comment with your guess!

PS. If you need a reminder of all the belly pictures, take a look here.

PSS. If your guess is "I have no freaking should have found out at your 20 week ultrasound like a normal person" I am actually okay with that. Any comment on the matter will be tallied in the final count!

PSSS. I may or may not make a nice graph of the data once I am convinced nobody else is voting...because I like graphs...because I am a huge math nerd.

PSSSS For extra credit feel free to take a guess at the baby's birthday! Official due date is June 4th. If you get it right along with the sex, I will give you a super amazing prize!!*

*prize may or may not really exist. By the time I know if you are right, I will have a new BABY and so I fully reserve the right to "forget" about the so called prize...but I will try really hard to at least point out on here that you are a baby predicting genius...which counts for something...I think.


  1. I am going to say boy, because everyone is having a boy! Me, Fran, Rebecca... and I will guess June 7 for birthday... there is a full moon that day! :)

  2. I am going to say boy because so far, by the pictures, you seem to be getting big only in the belly- which suggests boy in the experiences I have seen. Birth date.. let's go for May 31st. Congratulations!!

  3. I say boy...

    And how about my birthday... Jun10! LOL HaHa!

  4. BOY and June 11th (Missy's b-day).

  5. We definitely need another little boy in the family!!

    (Although a girl would be nice too.)

  6. I want to guess girl and say June 3rd.

  7. Hmmmm....You know I've tried to guess the last 3 pregnancies that I've heard of and been wrong. My gut says GIRL, so I'll guess BOY.

    As for the date...My guess is June 6th

  8. Boy...all belly...June 2nd..Congrats!!!

  9. I say BOY, 8 lbs. 3 oz., (based on the current estimated weight plus the "half pound a week gain" rule-maybe more-based on your love of Oreo Blizzards), lots of curly dark hair, just like Nick had when he was born......cute as a button-like both of you...and sorry,.....I say
    June 12th. (most first babies are late).
    Boy, girl, early, or late ......I'm thrilled to be a new Nana!

  10. You are totally having a boy! You're caring that baby so low! Baby Boy on June 1st!

  11. I agree -- boy -- all the cool kids are doing it.

  12. I think it'll be a little toad (boy) and on June 12. Was my parents' wedding anniversary...worked well for them, should work well for a baby too!

  13. I say it's a boy!

  14. B-O-Y! You are pointing downhill with that belly of yours. Told Jenn last week what my prediction now I'm excited to tell you what I guess too!!

    Boy, June 2nd, 8lb. 0oz. 12:30pm - HA!

  15. You know I was going to sat June 12th and then I realised that was 8 days late and maybe a little too long... but then I see two others have suggested June 12th too so I'm sticking with that! I am not sure about the sex and keep switching between girl and boy but I guess I have to make a decision so um I say boy. Haven't got a clue about weight though so a complete stab in the dark... um 7lb 6 oz

  16. I say BOY. :) and how about June 2?

  17. I'm going with BOY! Born June 2 at 4:30pm. 8lb 10oz.

  18. From Chris:

    Girl! Born June 3.

  19. From Missy:

    Ummmmm...June 9 at 6:30am. Boy. 9lb 6oz.

  20. Boy, June 6th! Can't wait to "meet" him or her :)

  21. Girl, May 25th, 8:39 a.m., 6 lbs 8 oz.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. De-lurking to vote! Girl, June 13th. 7lb 13oz at 5:13 pm.

  24. A sweet baby boy.
    June 4th.
    8 lbs.
    Just like his Grandaddy 51 years ago.
