
Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So I think I might be starting the whole pregnancy nesting thing...either that or I have a serious case of spring cleaning fever. I have never been a person who is overly clean. I am not dirty, but I am sorta cluttery (thank GOD Nick isn't, so he keeps my pack-rat nature under control). I just don't let little things at the house get to me. I will run the vacuum, but when I hear people say things like, "I have pets, so I HAVE to vacuum every day!"....Ahhhhhh hahahahahaha! That is REALLY not me. I take on more of the attitude, "I will get to cleaning when I get to need to stress". So yesterday sorta took me by surprise. I was off work, so I was going to go to the grocery. I was cleaning the kitchen, just so it would be easier to get the groceries in and put away, which is totally normal. Then...something changed. I went to put something in the fridge and it hit me. I needed to clean out the fridge. I was running late and had much more important things on my to do list, but I just NEEDED to quickly clean it out. Like NOW. It could not possibly continue to look this way for one second longer.

So I cleaned the fridge. But I just didn't toss things that were sorta old and make room for the groceries (my normal "fridge cleaning") Oh no. I CLEANED the fridge. Like take everything out and start to SCRUB. Like learning that every little piece of your fridge actually comes apart and you can wash it all in the sink by hand! And finding out that if you do that, your fridge will look BRAND NEW! Now every time I open the fridge I scan it to make sure nothing is making a mess in my beautifully clean fridge. I want everything to stay in it's place...because that is WHERE IT GOES. This is really not me.

I now have my eye on the base boards...and the cabinets...and the walls. Are you suppose to clean walls?? If this keeps up this is going to be a very productive eight weeks!


  1. Ha ha -- you can come to my house next!

  2. Ha ha -- you can come to my house next!

  3. I recall spending an obscene amount of time cleaning light switch plates during my last ten weeks.

    Have fun while it lasts. Now is a great time to tackle some of the things you don't normally think about.

  4. Absolutely you can clean walls! They gather dust and spider webs and all that fun stuff just like every other surface in the house.

  5. Enjoy it! Because there is nothing like a nice clean house (except I don't like to do it) so I have a list of things for my cleaning lady to do and wouldn't you know it? Cleaning the fridge is on my list for Saturday!


  6. Go with it! Get it done now before baby comes...then you'll only wish you had the time to do things. :)

  7. I did this with all three of my kids! One day I'd just freak out thinking everything HAD to be clean and tidy and I'd be a monster until it was done!

    Too bad I can't get that motivation NOW.

  8. Love it! I remember spending lots of time in the laundry room with a box of Q-tips, cleaning all the little creases of my washing machine....sigh.

  9. That is so funny. I never nested. I did it after she was born.
