
Thursday, May 7, 2009

36 Weeks

36 weeks with only one week to go! How crazy is that?? It is sinking in, but still it amazes me that it is seriously almost time. Anyway, our sweet baby is still growing away. My research tells me that the baby is now around 20 inches and weighs over six pounds. It also says the baby may drop soon, which, yeah...that has happened for sure. The fact that the doctor said the baby's head is so low, and that I am 1-2cm dilated really blows my mind. Just so you know. Back to the baby stats, apparently he/she is just chillin' in there practicing breathing and blinking and all that baby stuff. Just fattening up for the big day in one week!

As for me, I am doing really good. I am sorta in shock that we are a week from having this baby. I know pregnancy is really hard on a lot of people and they hate it, but I can honestly say that I have loved it. I might sing a different tune after the entire "birth" thing, but for now I am one big fan of pregnancy! I am sleeping really well, but back to doing that mind racing thing when I wake up in the mornings. Once my eyes are open the mind turns on and that is it. No more sleeping for me. I woke up at seven yesterday and didn't have to work until eleven. Still, there was NO WAY I could get back to sleep. Way to much to THINK that next week a BABY will be in my house...and it will be MINE. As much as I love being pregnant, I can't wait to meet our sweet baby. We are so excited and we are so ready. Or at least we will be next week!

Now for some belly pics! I took a couple extra this week...just for documentation of the belly...
shirt down
shirt up
front view shirt down- I look tired. Most likely due to being up since seven thinking about the baby. I should really get some sleep while I still can...
front view shirt up...also, look at how I stand with my legs so far apart. I don't even realize I am doing it. Most likely another good sign that the baby is ready...


  1. Oh wow, Sarah - I'm so excited for you!

  2. Love the pictures! You look amazing! :)

    How much weight have you gained so far? It looks like just all in your belly... how I want to be, too! :)

  3. My friend is trying to have her baby right now. It is still going to be a few more hours. I say she is having a boy and you a girl. We shall see what happens. You look like you are ready to hold that little one

  4. You look great! Only one more week to go...

  5. I was right my friend just had her baby and it was a boy. His name is Lucas Emmett. How sweet. I still say girl for you.

  6. Hi Sarah,

    Thank for sharing the pictures and the experience.

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