
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Change in Dates

So I had my weekly doctors appointment today. All seemed pretty normal according to me. High blood pressure, but what else is new. The non-stress test looked good. They did check me again and I am 1-2 cm dilated, which is insane. He also said that the baby's head is REALLY low. Surprising bits of information, but these things seem pretty normal for 36ish weeks in my head. Things are rolling along, like every other week...and then the doc comes in for a little chat. They are going to induce week from Thursday! That is like, in NINE DAYS. NINE DAYS until I have a BABY!


Not sure what else to say besides I am amazingly shocked considering I KNEW this baby was going to be born soon. It isn't like I didn't know I was pregnant. It isn't like I accidentally became pregnant and have been in total denial. Nope, I have known this was coming, but somehow this three week shift in due date has really thrown my mind for a loop! We are basically ready, but still, are we READY. For a BABY. I guess we are going to have to be by next Thursday!

The doctor said that with my blood pressure issues, it is just better to go ahead and get this baby out. That 37 weeks is the goal and we are lucky that we made it (or will as of next Thursday). He said that 95% of babies are totally ready at 37 weeks, and that the other 5% may need oxygen, but most still go home with the parents. This is full term. We will be FULL TERM next Thursday. He says that statistics show that with blood pressure issues like mine, they have a tendency to spike in the last couple weeks and force more dangerous situations and c-sections and what not. He doesn't want to risk it. This is what is best for me and for the baby. So we will induce. And have a baby. On May 14th. Crazy. CRAZY!

At least I get to go to that birth class on Saturday...that should come in handy FIVE DAYS LATER!!


  1. Seriously?? Wow! I can't wait to see pics of your new baby!

  2. Wow! Thats incredible! I guess my guess/vote was WAY off since I said June 6th, but I still think that the baby is a boy!

  3. Wow! But 37 weeks is full term - so you need not worry about the health of the baby.

  4. OMG, I am shocked and thrilled for you!!! I felt the same way a few weeks ago. :D

  5. Congrats! That's awesome news! Can't wait till you post pics!! :-)

  6. FABULOUS!! Can't believe I am just now reading this - damn work!!! Can't wait to see that sweet face!! (Oh. yours too)

  7. Oh my gosh!!!! Good luck!!!!

    (Is it bad that I went for my appt at 27 weeks and my BP was 140/80??) Too early high BP = not a good sign?

  8. Gosh! Your pregnancy went by really fast... for me :)

    I hope all goes well with your class and delivery.

  9. Yowza! 9 days!! That's um... soon!!!

    I thought of you today when I went to the doctor and they ended up taking my bp six times because it was high. (The highest reading they got was like 129/92.) They had me lay down and kept taking it over and over until it went down and I thought... am I going to end up in the hospital like Sarah?

  10. Holy Cow!!! That is so exciting!!!
    I remember when you told us all that you were pregnant and now here you are 9 days from having the baby!!

    So happy for you!!

  11. Wow!! We are so excited. A new baby in the family in only 9 days. I wasn't revved up yet cuz I thought we had a few weeks to go, now I'm so excited!! Can't wait to meet the Bean. We love you!!

  12. I am so happy. The classes are okay but you learn more when the baby is here. Can't wait to see her.

  13. So exciting! We delivered at 37 weeks and 5 days, Camden was healthy and came home with us. I can't believe you are delivering next Thursday....congrats!

  14. How exciting! Enjoy these last few pre-baby days...sleep, rest, enjoy your husband!

    Cause then that all stops for a while. Although the fantastic BABY makes up for it!

  15. Best of Luck Sarah, you'll do me if you have any Birthing questions....I am a certified Lamaze instructor and have done Doula work as well...512-358-4752

  16. OMGosh! How exciting!!! I'm marking the date. :)

  17. Oh gosh I cannot believe it has come round so soon - will be thinking of you!! I have my lap on May 13th so will have all day Thursday to sit around and think good thoughts for you :o)
