
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's a BOY!!

Henry Shayne

Born: May 13 at 6:09

Weight: 5lb 15oz

Length: 18.5 inches

Mama and Papa are doing great! Baby Henry's even better! Absolutely perfect!!


  1. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

  2. Yeah! I have been obsessively checking your blog all excited for you guys and your cute new addition!!!

  3. Oh my gosh he's precious!!! Congratulations to Mama, Papa and Baby Henry!

  4. I've been checking and checking for an update! Congratulations on your little boy! Henry is a beautiful name!

  5. I agree with the others. I have been checking all day. Congratulations, he is a beautiful baby!! :)

  6. Congratulations! What a tiny boy. I am loving the name you chose for him.

  7. congratulations! Welcome to the world, Henry!

  8. Congratulations Sarah on baby Henry! He is precious!


    Jillian, Kevin and Mandy!

  9. Okay I was totally wrong with you. I thought you were going to have a little girl. Oops. I am so happy for the both of you. Congrats. Henry is was sweet and cute. Welcome to Parenthood.

  10. I'm so glad you posted. I've been checking your blog almost every hour.

    Henry is so cute and I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see more pictures!!

  11. Congratulations Sarah and Nick. These coming days will be the most exciting days of your lives! I ran across your blog right before you conceived him and have followed it since. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us your journey to parenthood. God Bless little Henry and his parents. Beth

  12. He is gorgeous!

    Congrats to both you and Nick and welcome to the world, little Henry :)

  13. Congrats! You are such a precious family:) Welcome to Parenthood!

  14. YAY!! Congrats! Little Henry looks precious, and you two look so proud! :-) Good job mom and dad! -


  15. Congrats to you both. He is precious and sounds like he will be sooo loved and spoiled. Your long journey has given you a wonderful gift.

  16. HUGE congratulations to both mama and papa and a very warm welcome to baby Henry - glad the three of you are doing well x

  17. YAY! Congrats!!! Happy Birthday to Henry! Can't wait to hear you tell us all about your experience!

  18. WooHoo Sarah & Nick! Great job! Thanks for the update!

    I knew it was a little boy! ;) Cutie Henry!

    Looking forward to hearing all about it!

  19. I love that little precious boy! Hearing the words "Its a boy" was the most wonderful thing my brother has ever said. Dad and I knew it was a boy the whole time. So glad Henry Shayne is finally here! I can't wait to hold him. Love both of you guys!

    Aunt Candice and Uncle Awesome :)

  20. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm beaming ear to ear with your news. Hope you're all doing well.
    xo, Kristin

  21. I'm so happy for you and your families! Henry is so perfect and so lucky to have you two as parents. He will be loved by so many! Congratulations!

  22. What a sweet babe he is! Thank you for sharing him with us! Congratulations on a job well done!

  23. I'm so excited to see this post! Congratulations! I can't wait to hear more when you're able to tell. :)

  24. Your Wisconsin friends send congratulations on your precious baby Henry! What an adorable family you make. Keep kissing those cute baby toes!

  25. Oh this is so exciting! Congratulations Nick & Sarah, and welcome to the world, Henry!

  26. Congratulations!!!! So thrilled and excited for you guys! Being a mother is the best thing ever. :) Love to everyone!!!

  27. Congrats on the new addition to your family.

  28. I wish I could come to the hospital but I have a nasty bug that I am getting over...Blessings to you and the little family. I love the name Henry!!!! And Henry is gonna just love his Moma and Papa!!!!f

  29. I LOVE him so, so much! Congratulations!!!

  30. A BIG CONGRATS! So glad to see the announcement=) Enjoy every moment-little boys are so much fun!

  31. So, let's just talk about being behind on blogs - I didn't catch this until a week later. I'm so sorry for being a terrible friend and self-appointed blog "aunt". Henry is absolutely breathtakingly adorable. I'm so happy for you that I can't even express it through words. Welcome to the crazy journey that is parenthood.

    Oh, and little Henry is so making me want another baby. My friend Audrey at also has a little boy named Henry, he is 11 months old. :) You both have excellent taste in names.

    Anyway, a big congrats to you, I hope you are enjoying your time and getting some rest. :) xoxo
