
Monday, May 11, 2009


Well, I can say with some confidence that we are actually ready for our sweet baby to get here! We went to the birth class on Saturday, and I am so happy we did it. Lots of it was common since, but at the same time it was all good to hear. The class was run by a lactation nurse, so at the end she did an entire part (about an hour) for the mom's wanting to breast feed. It was worth it to attend just for that. I just feel a lot more prepared on what to expect now. Which, I guess was why we went in the first place!

Anyway, we are now educated on birth, plus Nick spent the weekend finishing things up around the house. The nursery is all the way done, the yard looks great, the house is totally clean, we are READY for this baby. Which, is good seeing as how he/she will be here in T minus 3 days!

Here are a few pictures to prove we are ready!

The crib is set up and ready to go. The baby's name will go in the big blank area on the wall...once we know the baby's name!Changing table area. See how I have my little box of things I need? Yeah, I am going to be really organized now that I am a mom.More proof of organizational skills. I am thinking it might never look this neat again. The book shelf is now in use! Notice the closet door. Nick hung new doors in this room which look so great!Got this bad boy all put together! I have a base in the back of my car and everything. Crazy.Also, sorta off subject here, but my Iris's are in bloom. They look so great!

Clearly this all means we are ready for Thursday! The bags are at least half way packed and we will throw the rest of the stuff in Thursday morning. I don't think there is much else to do but wait...


  1. I love, love, love the nursery theme! Too cute!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love all the owls & glad you enjoyed the birthing class! :)

  4. Everything looks great! You sound ready! Can't wait to meet your little one and see what the sex of the baby is!!

  5. Glad to hear you're all set and ready to go - will be thinking of you on Thursday x
