
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sweet Henry

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and love! We are home safe and sound. I have an amazing son. Amazing doesn't even come close to covering it. He is seriously so so good. I love him more than I ever though possible. I have tons to tell you all. The birth went really well. Honestly it was better than I expected or could have hoped. The breast feeding is going good. We have had some struggles, but really it is better than I expected too. My milk is now in, so it will be getting easier. I will tell you everything, but for now there is no time. I need to be holding Henry and telling him I love him a few more times. about some pictures to hold you over until I can actually write a post?? I thought that might be okay with you all. Here is our sweet sweet Henry!

Our perfect boy. He seriously is the sweetest easiest baby I have ever known. ( I reserve the right to take this back once he actually starts crying and what not.)Here is the family about three minutes after he was born!

Henry with his Papa right after we got him back from the nursery.Taking a look at his Mama while in the hospital

Heading for home! He looks so tiny...Taking a look at his Papa! He is the most alert baby I have ever seen.Settling in at the houseWorking on the breast feeding. He is a little jaundice right now, but he is so stinking adorable.He is so little, so we have to keep him really bundled right now, except for when we feed him. he loves to STREEEEEEEETCH it out when he gets unwrapped! ( I know this is super blurry, but it warms my heart)

Okay, I have a million more, but he is ready to eat so you will have to wait a little longer. Enjoy these and I will be back with a birth story and pictures soon!


  1. loooooooooove that little boy!!!!!!

  2. off the subject but I'll say your milk is starting to come in---enjoy the cleavage and boobsXOXOXO

  3. LOVE the pictures!!!!! Wyatt cannot wait to meet Henry and neither can I! :D

  4. OMG he is such a doll. Really makes me tear up! SO happy for you all!!!

  5. Sarah, I'm so excited for you guys!!! I've thought about you all week and am just now getting a chance to tell how how adorable I think Henry is! Oh, and before I forget, I LOVE the name! So glad all are well!!

  6. I have been waiting for you to post a few pictures. He is so adorable and so so sweet looking!! I can't wait to see more of him.

    Happy you are all happy, safe and sound at home.


  7. Greedily been waiting for more photos here, too! He really is the sweetest thing. You are a blessed mama!

  8. So glad to hear that you are all doing so good! The pics are great! Congrats again!!

  9. congrats and he'll fill out that car seat before you know it! :)

  10. Oh he is so adorable no wonder you'd rather be holding him and telling him how much you love him than writing big blog posts - all I can say is thanks for taking the time to share the pics :o)

  11. Still as adorable as he was in the hospital. Thought I'd give you some family time before I came over. I'll check with you about popping in next week.

  12. Can't wait to meet your beautiful little son in person. He is so cute and sweet. These days when he is so very tiny and cuddly will fly by so fast and soon you'll have a big ole stinking BOY with toy trucks and smelly feet. Enjoy these days to the fullest!!

  13. Have fun and welcome to Parenthood.

  14. Oh that picture of him stretching is the cutest. I can totally sense the freedom he's experiencing. What skinny little legs! :)

  15. He is the sweetest thing I have ever seen!!!

  16. He's so sweet, just like his mama.


  17. Oh, Sarah, he's soooo sweet! Gorgeous and I also love the stretching pic!

    Enjoy bonding with your little man!

  18. OMGosh I've never seen a baby stretch out like that!! How flipping adorable!

    SO happy you are safe at home. :) Can't wait for updates and more pictures!

  19. Yanno, the post you wrote on May 13th, 2008 was so sad... I was just reading it and remembering how much you went through to get your Henry.

    He's certainly the perfect blessing. :)
