
Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Well, I went to the doctor today and he decided there was no reason to wait any longer. My blood pressure was up and he said he was done waiting. I am getting admitted in two hours so I can get the Cervidil and be ready for the induction at 5am in the morning. Good thing we are ready! Just gotta finish up my bag and we are out the door....

PS. My sister will let you all know how things go! She is in charge of posting an update with a baby picture once the baby is here and we are both safe and sound!

PSS. I am sorta terrified. Really wish there was an easier way to get this baby out...


  1. You will do great! I can't wait to see pictures! I feel like I know you personally, rather than just by the Blogworld! :-) I will be praying everything goes well!! Go Girl!! :-)

    Your Texas Bloggin' Friend...

  2. I haven't posted before, but you will do great!! Good luck!!

  3. Ahh so excited for you! It will all go perfect and at the end you get to hold that sweet baby. Sending you lots of happy thoughts :) Love you!

  4. Can't wait to hear the whole wonderful story. Congratulations, you'll do great!

  5. Just wanted to say good luck and best wishes! I hope everything goes well and I look forward to reading your update about baby!

  6. It's going to be an incredible experience and you are going to do great! In the end you will meet your little guy/gal and not even remember what you went through. So exciting.....can't wait to see his/her sweet face.

  7. It is going to be okay. If I can do it I know you can. I am such a baby and I did it. Plus at the end you will have a nice little one in your arms. I can't wait to see the little girl and hear everything. Good luck. I am sending you hugs.

  8. It's going to go fine! Can't wait to see your baby :)

  9. I've been a follower of your blog for a while now and I feel like I sort-of know you. I wish you all the luck in the world! You both deserve this sweet baby. Everything will go great.

  10. Oh my goodness! You're already in the hospital RIGHT NOW having that baby (boy!? my guess... LOL). Can't wait to see the pictures!

  11. Oh my gosh! You're having a baby today!!

  12. Congratulations and Good Luck :)

  13. Can't wait to meet the little one! You'll soon be holding your sweet baby! I know your Mom is going to adore this baby!
