
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3 Weeks

Our sweet boy is three weeks old today. Tomorrow is his due date. How crazy is that? I cannot imagine still being pregnant right now...or not having met him yet. So glad we got these three extra weeks with our little man! Anyway, I took like a million pictures today trying to get a good three week pic. I am not really happy with any of them because I feel like none of them show how adorable he is. Still, I will share some of the highlights from the day...

okay, he is the sweetest thing ever when he is sleeping. Look at how he puts his hands under his head. ADORABLE.Then when he is first waking up, he likes to yawn and stretch...which is also the cutest thing I have ever seen. (This picture warms my heart)

Then we get all cleaned up. He doesn't like it much, but he tries not to cry. Still, he doesn't like having his picture taken all naked. I mean, who does?? (note that his belly button fell off...*sob*...but also YAY because it was sorta gross)

Next he gets all dressed and ready, but then decided he is NOT going to look at the camera. WILL NOT DO IT. That's okay. He is still pretty perfect.Finally Mama gives up on pictures (thank GOD) and we hit the road to visit Charing. He is still pretty tiny in his car seat, but clearly getting bigger!

Anyway, there is the three week review. A few pictures that can't possibly capture how great he really is. Still, I will keep trying!


  1. the best part of my day!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. He is perfect in every way!
    Thanks for the pictures, I NEEDED to see him today.


  3. He is so yummy - how do you stop yourself from kissing those cheeks the whole day??? LOL

  4. Love the picture of him sleeping on his hands. Too cute!

  5. I'm having withdraw issues....I need to see that baby soon. The yawn picture is great.
