
Monday, June 29, 2009

Family Time

Well, sweet Henry had some out of town visitors this past weekend! We had Nick's family in from South Carolina and Alabama to meet our perfect boy. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law even had him a cook out. Everything was so great. All in all it was a perfect last weekend of my maternity leave! (back to work tomorrow...booooo) Anyway, here are a few pictures of the weekend (and a couple cute ones from last weekend just to work in some more of these millions of pictures I have of this perfect boy spending time with his family)!
Here is our Henry meeting his MawMaw for the very first time. It was a big deal for her to come in from SC to see his sweet face in person. Nick and I were so excited that she came!
And here he is meeting his great-grandma. She had to come in from Alabama, which is also a huge deal. This boy has a serious fan club!
The entire South Carolina Family!
Two Great Grandma's together!
Here is some grand parent love from Nana and Grandpa. I love this picture!
And his Granddaddy and Grams
And then this one I never posted of my parents, Nanny and Papaw (just to round out the grand parent pics!) My dad is a big fan of his first grand son!
Here is Nick with his brother and sister. Aunt and Uncle love.
And one from last weekend of me with my sisters
Hanging out with Aunt Candice and Uncle Awesome (uncle Awesome picked out his own name...I think it's a winner)
One more good one with his Nana
And with his Granddaddy (seriously relaxed!)
Oh, and he still loves his Mama!
Hope you all had a great weekend! Wish me luck with work tomorrow. I think it is going to be a rough day...


  1. Henry is such a cutie! I can't believe how small he is. He's not even the size Nicky was when he was born!!!

  2. Henry is funny he has an Uncle Awesome, Camden has an Aunt Awesome! Good luck tomorrow...thinking of you. You are doing the best thing for your family friend!

  3. That first picture is adorable! Henry is such a cutie!

  4. He looks so much BIGGER! All of a sudden. Good job growin' him :)

    And good luck on your first day back--you'll do great!

  5. Oh what a wonderful weekend for you all! Good Luck with the return to work - will be thinking of you.

  6. Those are some great pictures! Hope your day back at work today went okay.

  7. That is surely a well loved baby and these pictures don't cover half his relatives. Bigggggg family.
