
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First Day

I made it.

I only got four hours of sleep last night. I cried when I went to bed. I cried when I woke up. I cried as I nursed him this morning. I cried on my way to work. I cried a little at work too.

Still, once I got to work and got rolling I was able to get things done. I thought of him constantly, but I was okay. I knew he was safe and loved. I knew I had work to do. I knew it was only five hours. I knew in my heart he was okay.

I got home at one and he didn't look any bigger than when I left him. He didn't look like he forgot me. He didn't look mad. He nursed and I kissed him a million times and we were both okay.

It will be easier tomorrow.


  1. oh Sarah, it sounds traumatic. How am I going to do that with TWO???

    But you're right - every day will get a tiny bit easier. Not easy, but easier :)

  2. Getting through the first day IS the hardest. He is precious! I got to hold him a bunch! Aunt Boo is wonderful with him. I'm proud of you for making it through your first day!

  3. You did it, and Henry loves you for it! Way to go friend.

  4. ...and hopefully it'll keep getting easier!

  5. Peace be with you! It's tough.....the best of your day is coming home to that! It takes everything away!!!!!

  6. You made it and that is what counts. Nobody ever said you had to like it. You are such a good Mommy!!
