
Friday, June 5, 2009

The Must Have List

I was going to end this post with this sweet picture of Henry laying on top of Nick, but then I thought you all might not make it to the end of the post. I wouldn't want you to miss such a sweet baby just because I ramble!
So anyway, I know this post is sorta pointless to anybody who isn't about to have a baby, but I am not getting out of the house much, so this so this is what I think about these days; "How would I SURVIVE without ____???". So here we are at three weeks post delivery and I am building a mighty list of things that one MUST HAVE in order to bring how a baby. How people used to do this in the old days is a total mystery to me, but whatever. Henry was lucky enough to be born in good old 2009 so his mama can get spoiled with all the modern conveniences! If you are having a baby soon, or just find my ramblings amusing, check out my list. If you have a baby and I am missing something that you thought was the most important baby item ever, make sure to let me know so I can buy it too!!
This here is a sleep positioner. It is the entire reason for the post. It basically allows you to put your baby in the bed and not feel bad about it. Baby is safe, mama and papa can actually sleep because baby is sleeping. EVERYONE IS HAPPY! Of course, lots of people just put the baby in the bed without it, but I am sorta neurotic and needed this to allow me to be able to sleep during the times the baby is in the bed! Henry actually sleeps at night in his bassinet, but we can get him to sleep after his early morning feeding (around 6 or 7 am) by putting him in the bed with us. Otherwise, he is definitely AWAKE for the morning. This thing has made my maternity leave so much easier...the love is strong.

I know some people find the old Boppy pointless, but I LOVE MINE. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Makes the entire feeding process a lot easier. Genius. Also, the person who made this is like a gazillionaire and all other mothers before her are like, "DAMN, I TOTALLY thought of that first!!"No snaps, no buttons, no zippers, just pull it up to change the diaper, then pull it back down. Amazing. I was calling them Henry's gowns, but my dad informed me that boys don't wear gowns, they are totally long t-shirts. Good to know. Unfortunately I heard Nick refer to them as a dress the other night...I have a confession...I find the whole "carry the car seat everywhere you go" thing pretty annoying. And Henry weights all of five pounds. It isn't that it is heavy, it is just cumbersome! If we are going someplace I want him to stay in his seat, then I am all for it, but if we are going someplace like his doctor, where we walk a long way, just for him to get out as soon as we get there, I would MUCH RATHER just pull him out in the car and drop him in the sling. Seems much easier to me. So that is what we do. All the time. Me and the hotsling are totally best friends.Henry has a love hate relationship with his passie (spelling passie with a "c" just looks wrong, so even though it is pacifier, we are going with passie), but I still add it to the list of must haves. When he is stressed, it makes him happy. That is the only reason I need. We had him at the doctor and she was checking him out. He was naked except for his passie and it fell out of his mouth and landed right on the table beside him. His eyes got really wide and when she rolled him to that side he turned his head all the way so his mouth could have reach the tip of the passie. He then started sucking on it like a mad man. It was like he was saying, "As long as I have this passie I will be OK!!!" It cracked me and Nick up. Sometimes he takes it at night and it helps him sleep, but sometimes he hates it. Such is life.Dear Lord,

Thank you for inventing the swing. It actually allows this mama to get things done around the house during the day (like laundry and long random posts on Bio Girl). You are a miracle worker. I am sure you did other things bigger than the baby swing, but for now it is at the top of my list. Thanks!!



Henry LOVES his play mat. He just lays there and looks at all the stuff. I feels like he is actually doing something when he is under it because he looks so serious as he studies. Makes me feel like I am teaching him something. Like how to lay on the floor. It's awesome.

Anyway, that is my list. There are a few honorable mentions like bibs to control the spit up and Pampers newborn diapers, which are the only ones that currently fit him, but they don't get pictures and details because I am bored and Henry is hungry, so we are out of here.


  1. This is so helpful!! I'm due with twins in the fall and am eating up every bit of advice from real moms out there. Have a good weekend!

  2. Thanks for the list! I'm all over the sleep positioner thing. I MUST have one!

  3. Do you have a wipes warmer on the changing table? If not, it's a MUST. I have a 2 year old little girl, Alyson, and LOVE mine. I'm so spoiled by it. We also have a little boy (Connor) that will be 3 weeks on Tuesday and love it for him also.

    I also LOVE the gowns. Hard to find so I've ordered more to have from online but I do agree, they are GREAT!

    What kind of sling is that exactly? I really am wanting a simple sling but haven't found any so far that I really like. Can you give us more info please?

    Love your blog btw : )


  4. Just wanted to comment about the adorable baby. He's absolutely precious. Congrats to all of you.

  5. your Dad is wrong.....they are gowns.
