
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big Boy Bed

So it's official. It is time for Henry to move from the bassinet to the crib. I thought it might be time when we woke up to find him all the way at the bottom of the bassinet with is feet all tighed up Indian style. I thought, "He learned to scooch down. Crazy. maybe it's time. No...not yet. He is okay. He's not ready"

Another week went by and every morning has scooched to the bottom. I am impressed with his scooching ability, but obviously he still needs to sleep in our room. He is so little...he isn't ready. Then I hear something. I think, "What is that noise? Oh. Look at that. He is hitting his hands on the side of the bassinet. Crazy. Maybe it is time. No...not yet. He is okay. He's not ready."

I started letting him take his naps in his crib, but at bedtime he was still with us. He needed to be close. Another week went by and the other night he started to cry. I went to check on him and he had scooched UP. His head was hanging off the top of the sleep positioner (it's a wedge) and up against the top of the bassinet. I thought " Well now he really is scooching. We have to move him tomorrow night. It's time. He's ready."

But when I went to lay him in his big boy crib I was so sad. I like him being close. I flipped off the light and it was so dark. His little lamp still doenst have a low watt bulb. I though, "it is WAY to dark in here. I can't see him to check on him. He isn't ready for this! Not until I buy the bulb. No, no. Clearly not ready."

So I scooped him back up and put him back in his bassinet. He slept through the night for the first time. eleven to six thirty. I laid there that morning fully rested as I listened to him stir in his bassinet. He is be ready, but I am not. Still. He is ready. I will go buy the new bulb so he can make the change. Maybe tomorrow night. Not tonight, but it's time.

**Henry says, "What's the big deal Mama?? I LOVE sleeping in my crib!**


  1. Henry is a big boy but he looks little in that big boy bed. He is so sweet!


  2. I totally understand... My daughters room was VERY close... but I kept her in a bassinet for 4 months and then in a pack and play next to my bed for another month! :)
