
Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well, the jury is no longer out. They verdict is in. No dairy. It was clear today (VERY VERY CLEAR) that he cannot handle milk in his system. We learned this because my sister had him and fed him a bottle from milk that was pumped back when I was blissfully unaware ( or possibly in total denial) about the need to reduce or remove dairy from my diet. The result of this very sick baby. The hour after the bottle apparently resulted in an alarming amount of spit up. At first we were all like, YAY! clearly he spits up even when I am off dairy! We are in the clear!! Then we realized the milk was pumped back at the beginning of the month and frozen. Back in my diary hay day. Sigh...the good old days.

The spit up I can handle (well, I didn't really have to handle it...Boo and her team teachers TO ME, it didn't seem like a big deal). The real problem came a couple hours later when we got home. Oh guys, his little tummy was a mess. He was screaming and I could hear his stomach churning. It was so pitiful. It was like with every cry he was yelling, "Mama WHY??? You POISONED me!! I TRUSTED you!!!!!!!" He was just looking at me, and he was so sad, and it was clear he was hurting. It was awful. I know. That will help me stay clear. I can take the spit up, but I cannot for a second take it hurting him. It will be easy to give it up to avoid that. I would give anything up to avoid hurting him. The soy chocolate milk is pretty good. I hear there is killer coconut milk ice cream (Thanks Dara!!) and I am sure there is some kind of substitute for cheese. I would be pretty jazzed about the possible weight loss, but alas, last week I managed to gain a pound with my "cutting back". Clearly I am finding something to fill the gaps that dairy has left behind!


  1. Oh, I am so sorry - for both of you! I hate it when I can tell that Kasen is in pain - it just kills me.

  2. He was spitting up like crazy and I couldn't even keep clean clothes on him. I'm glad for you that you figured out what it is and it's fixable. It was really fun to get to watch him yesterday even though he slept for like 3 hours...... he's absolutely adorable.

  3. The churning, oh the churning! Glad you figured out what it was and that it's such an easy solution. Well, you know. "Easy" is a relative term.

  4. Sorry to hear this! I find the whole dairy-thing hard to really "get" as I never really liked milk on it own. I cut my intake years back when I realised it made me feel sick, but do still have yoghurts and the odd bit of cheese (though migraines put me off that - however good I find it to be!) Let me know what you think to the "fake cheese" - I can't stomach it at all, to me it seems absurd they can even claim it is anything like cheese but maybe you guys have better "fake cheese" in the US than over here... here's hoping!! Good Luck with cutting back!

  5. I'm glad you got it figured out for sure now. He'll be sooo happy about it I'm sure. You'll start hearing, "Ahh mama that's SO much better. My tummy is so full. I never want to spit up again." Or at least those are the words we know he'll be thinking. Can't wait to see him Friday!!!!

  6. aww poor little guy :( It's probaby good that you decided to breast feed him or you'd probably be spending a million dollars on a formula he can handle. Hopefully he'll out grow this soon and you will both be happier :)
