Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
"Damn you, Mama. It was a SECRET!"
Mama says, "HENRY! Don't say Damn! Anyway, you don't need to be embarrassed that you lost all of your hair except that little ring around your neck! It's ADORABLE! Just like YOU!!"*kiss kiss hug hug kiss kiss hug hug*
"Darn you Mama. Darn you to Heck"
Friday, August 28, 2009
Change of Weather
And then...literally, the MOMENT I walked out of the store I was like, "'s outside..." But I knew it would pass and the heat would return. I went home and removed all tags from the new clothes and washed them...because I am an idiot. And now it has stayed cool. We are in the 70's with a nice Fall breeze. Next week we are suppose to be in the 60's. THE SIXTY'S! That is totally corduroy and long sleeve weather! What the hell am i doing with a baby with an entire new summer wardrobe in sixty degree weather?? Good thing it was all on super sale. I think I might have to go back out shopping soon.
**Also, as a side note, my fall allergies are in full swing. MISERY. The doctor told me to take allergy medicine as sparing as possible because it will dry up my milk. So...I am just suffering through. I*sniff sniff*
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Girls Night
On Monday I spent my day off from work loving my time with Henry. We took a nice long walk and spent time trying to learn to roll over. We cuddled and laughed and played with his toys. We read books and watched Lost (of course we did). We went to Charing's so she could spend time with him. Even with the fighting of the naps, it was a great day.
Then that night, I fed him and kissed his sweet head and handed him to Nick. I got in my car and went to dinner with my girl friends. Just me and them. No babies, no men, just the girls. We talked and laughed and caught up with each others lives. I know I talked about Henry, but I know I talked about a lot of other things too. I listened to what was happening in their lives, and I enjoyed every second of it. Nothing amazing happened, but I had a wonderful dinner with my wonderful girl friends. I had missed that kind of time more than I realized. It was nice to know Nick and Henry were enjoying their night together, and I was having a good night on my own. I wouldn't want to do it every night, but for Monday, it was really perfect.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Nap Time
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Three Month Pictures

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Addict takes a couple days to get a new dvd from Netflix (and I WOULD NOT allow myself to increase our plan for my Lost addiction...because then it is out of control and I was TOTALLY in control of the addiction) So I started watching ER on TNT. And it was when George Clooney was still on and it was full of drama and intrigue and I was totally hooked. I watched all through my maternity leave and then I started DVRing it because I could watch it later, and then the next thing I knew the baby only took fifteen minutes to eat, but I still had Lost coming in the mail and ER filling up my DVR box, and I would just stop watching but I CAN'T STOP because now I am VESTED in these shows and the only answer is to watch them all the way to the end. You might be asking what Henry does as I watch all this ER and Lost. Well...
Sometimes I watch it when he is napping or in bed, but...I have another confession. Henry loves TV. Loves it. And he isn't interested in Baby Einstein. He likes the real thing (smart baby). SO...we watch together (not like ALL THE TIME. Obviously). I cover his eyes if it gets to scary, but he really wants to find out what happens with Carter now that Lucy died (oops....spoiler alert if anybody else is watching ER from 1999) or why Lock thought it was okay to totally blow up the submarine (oops again...anybody behind on Lost??) I know I should be showing him flash cards and teaching him to read before he can even walk, but I think he is totally learning problem solving skills from Lost. I mean, that show will keep anybody guessing. So really, it is all for the best.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Midsummer Nights Run

For the record, when I say we "participated" I totally mean we just walked. There was no RUNNING of the 5K. More of a leisurely stroll...but we brought Henry so we were thinking maybe it would look like we ALWAYS ran, but this year we had a new baby so we were just going to take it easy...little did I know there were like serious mom-runners there...with jogging strollers and everything. Crazy.

See that little girl standing behind me? She beat us. Kids are seriously fast runners. Henry passed out before it even started, but he did wake up at the end and enjoy the walk

Still, we got cool things like numbers to pin on our chests and timers to go on our shoes...

We were pretty impressed that we actually wore walking clothes and had on tennis shoes (we are sandal and flip flop girls)...while taking this picture of our shoes and posing for shots with the baby we realized everyone else was stretching and like, warming up for the RACE...I think they figured out that it was our first 5K

Action shot...way to busy trying to win the race to stop for a picture. Of course, about fifteen minutes into the race we saw the leaders coming back to finish. We were all like, "Man! This is EASY! If they are almost done, it can't be that far!" We then managed to get off course entirely, get back on, find new things in our city we had never seen (like a new Jimmy Johns), run into a mob of people who had already finished and were blocking the course because they assumed the race was over, and then finally after an hour we crossed the finish line. We looked to our right and there was an elderly couple holding hands. We looked to our left and there was a man with a cane....and we all finished at the same time. All in all, an extremely respectable finish, right?? Still, we FINISHED a 5k! Pretty darn proud. Just wish I had money with me to buy a funnel cake as a reward...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Football Fan
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Three Months
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Henry Talking from Sarah on Vimeo.Of course as soon as we were done I attempted to retake the video with a little more planning. the TV is off in the second one, and his head is a little more straight. Of course he sits there like a bump on a log in it and refuses to make a peep. Such is life. I sorta like the TV-crooked head one now...seems more like us.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Body Image
I was reading Dooce the other day and she was talking about that last fifteen pounds. I know I am not alone in fighting this weight. I know it is what happens when you have a baby. Still, I am just struggling with the changes my body has gone through in the last year. My closet is full of clothes that don't fit and I really don't know if they ever will again. I want to get back to my normal size, but honestly I am just so hungry all the time. I heard all about how the weight just falls off when you are breast feeding, and here I sit weighing nearly the same as I weighted two weeks after he was born. I want to do something about it, to take control, but between working and being with Henry and keeping up with the daily life, I just don't have the energy to start counting calories too. So I go day to day telling myself it will get better, but I do nothing to make it better. I don't buy new clothes because money is tight and Henry needs things. I don't buy new clothes because I will lose the weight...someday. And I am okay...until I am not. I am okay until I have to go someplace and I have nothing to put on. I am okay until we are heading to the pool and I want to cry rather than put on a bathing suit. I am okay until I get on a scale, and although I try to tell myself it is just a number, it is honestly just a number I am struggling with.
All of this stress and worry and discomfort spilled out this weekend on my sister in law. She was on the end of a small meltdown as I told her I was just so uncomfortable in my own skin. I don't even know if I realized how much it bothered me until that moment when I said it out loud. She stepped in and took me shopping. She bought me a pair of jeans that actually fit me right (now I have two pair! When Henry spits up I can actually change my pants!) and an adorable top. She stepped in and helped me to feel like myself again. I need to come to grips with the size I am now. These clothes are not that big, and they look pretty darn cute on me. I just need to buy things that fit, and to let he weight come off as it comes off. For today, I will look cute in my new outfit. And that will help.
Friday, August 7, 2009
All Night
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Him: Well Hello there!
Me: *large friendly smile* Well hello!
Him : Aren't you the one who was having a baby?
Me: Yep! That was me *Smiling with pride about upcoming conversation about my perfect child*
Him: So...are you still pregnant?
Me: .....
Him: ....
Me: had my baby. He is almost three months old. He is wonderful! *force smile to show the misunderstanding is NO BIG DEAL.*
Him: *Oblivious to mistake* Oh, three months is a good age! I have a nineteen month old
Me: (In my head...clearly), "do I SERIOUSLY still look pregnant fella?? SERIOUSLY???" *kick him in shin*
Me: (actual spoken word) Hahaha *awkward laugh since he finds nothing funny* I am sure 19 months is fun. We are loving three months!
Me: (back in my head) seriously?? SERIOUSLY???
Him: *blissfully unaware* See ya later!
Me: Huh? Oh...bye.
For the record, I DO NOT still look pregnant. I don't. I don't. I don't. Stupid man.
Also, even if I did a little...he is totally worth it...but I TOTALLY don't. *giant sigh*
Monday, August 3, 2009
And There Goes Peanut Butter
I picked up a thing of the heaven peanut butter last time I went to the store. I actually thought, "well, I can't have milk, but at least I have YOU!" I then noticed that after I ate it (and I eat it straight up. Nick points out that he never finds a peanut butter knife, he always finds a peanut butter spoon. So sad) Henry had a tendency to spit up. And the thick spit up was back. I kept thinking, "Damn, did I eat dairy and not realize it!?!" And then it clicked. It was the peanut butter. The heaven peanut butter. I mentioned it to Nick, and he didn't think it was an issue. Then yesterday morning I had peanut butter crackers for breakfast (what? What do you eat for breakfast without dairy in it??) and he spit up the thick spit up yesterday. Nick was like, "well...guess it is the peanut butter after all. Sucks for you" Awesome. There goes one of my easy meal options (a peanut butter sandwich is TOTALLY a meal) and one of my favorite non-dairy treats. Damn it.
On a bright note, I did lose a pound and a half last week. Might be more next week now that my spoons full of peanut butter are also out of the diet! Guess I will go make a salad for lunch. No ranch. *sigh*
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Lazy Sunday
Anyway, after church we went to my little sisters new place and had a huge brunch with my parents. My mom made me dairy free gravy and everything. It might not have been good to everyone, but dear lord it was acceptable for this gravy lover! We then watched a movie while Henry took a nap. He was still a little out of it when we got home...
Henry says, "PLEASE. You all wish you knew how to relax like me!" Mama says, "My word he is getting bigger!" *sob*
We are now home and I am in my "nightgown" (sweat pants and a t-shirt that says "Vermont, Spooning New Hampshire since 1791. Sexy. Did I ever tell you about the time I told Nick "I am going to get my night gown on" then came out in a holey old t-shirt and sweats?? Yeah. He reminds me of it a lot...) Now Nick is playing video games and I am typing this with a precious boy in my lap. All in all this is a perfect Sunday.