
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I have a confession to make. I am totally and utterly addicted to Lost. Seriously. Like hooked bad. I have a second confession. I am also addicted to old episodes of ER. I know. Kinda embarrassing. I know what with my running (walking ) a 5K you probably assumed I gave up TV all together for a healthier see...I can actually explain. Henry used to take AGES to breast feed. Like an hour. Sometimes more. And I was feeding him every three hours, so I was feeding him ALL THE TIME. And I was just...sitting around. And I love to look at his little face and watch him nurse, but after awhile I was sorta like, "COME ON!" So I decided to start getting Lost from Netflix (again). And I was pretty into the second season, but then the third season started and I was all like, " I CANNOT STOP WATCHING!" and I would watch an entire dvd in a day. Easy. takes a couple days to get a new dvd from Netflix (and I WOULD NOT allow myself to increase our plan for my Lost addiction...because then it is out of control and I was TOTALLY in control of the addiction) So I started watching ER on TNT. And it was when George Clooney was still on and it was full of drama and intrigue and I was totally hooked. I watched all through my maternity leave and then I started DVRing it because I could watch it later, and then the next thing I knew the baby only took fifteen minutes to eat, but I still had Lost coming in the mail and ER filling up my DVR box, and I would just stop watching but I CAN'T STOP because now I am VESTED in these shows and the only answer is to watch them all the way to the end. You might be asking what Henry does as I watch all this ER and Lost. Well...

Sometimes I watch it when he is napping or in bed, but...I have another confession. Henry loves TV. Loves it. And he isn't interested in Baby Einstein. He likes the real thing (smart baby). SO...we watch together (not like ALL THE TIME. Obviously). I cover his eyes if it gets to scary, but he really wants to find out what happens with Carter now that Lucy died (oops....spoiler alert if anybody else is watching ER from 1999) or why Lock thought it was okay to totally blow up the submarine (oops again...anybody behind on Lost??) I know I should be showing him flash cards and teaching him to read before he can even walk, but I think he is totally learning problem solving skills from Lost. I mean, that show will keep anybody guessing. So really, it is all for the best.


  1. Sarah, I LoVe reading your blog. camden is into price is right and jeopardy...we think my nana rubbed off on him.

  2. Sarah - Since Ellie was born in May I have watched the entire first season of brothers and sisters. Ellie is now as vested in this show as I am. It feels good to know that I am not the only mom with a tv addiction.

  3. Haha : )

    This made my day! You just crack me up. I especially loved the part about the spoiler from 1999.


  4. LOL... after Lucy died I stopped watching ER, I think I was too traumatised by the whole thing and whenever I tried after that it just seemed wrong... no George and no Carter/Lucy thing *sigh*... you make me laugh so much, sometimes... I love the fact Henry watches tv with you... LOVE IT!!

  5. Hey fellow TV addict! Did you know Lost seasons 1-4 is on Hulu online now? Oh, and I totally get sucked into old ER episodes, too. :D

  6. Hey fellow TV addict! Did you know Lost seasons 1-4 is on Hulu online now? Oh, and I totally get sucked into old ER episodes, too. :D

  7. Haha! Too funny! We are also addicted to LOST at our house. Just a warning for you...after watching it on DVD without having to wait too long between episodes, it is so frustrating to watch the current season and have to wait from week to week! FYI I think this is the last season it will be on too. Hope you and Henry enjoy your tv time! :)

  8. My two-year-old knows more about Lost than any PBS show in existence. He'll even request to watch Lost sometimes.
