
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lazy Sunday

We are laying around today doing a whole bunch of nothing. We don't get days like this often, but oh how I love it when they come around. Henry got in bed with us this morning at seven and we all three slept until ten. (HEAVEN) Then me and Henry ended up going to church with my sisters. I am not going to go much into the church thing today (maybe later, maybe not), but I will say it was really nice to be there. I haven't been in a long time, and it felt good to go. Henry did wonderful in the nursery and they informed me he was "and extremely chill baby" and also, "he has a lot of style!" I was beaming with pride. Henry says, "Of COURSE I have style! Not everyone can work a frog towel the way I can!"

Anyway, after church we went to my little sisters new place and had a huge brunch with my parents. My mom made me dairy free gravy and everything. It might not have been good to everyone, but dear lord it was acceptable for this gravy lover! We then watched a movie while Henry took a nap. He was still a little out of it when we got home...

Henry says, "PLEASE. You all wish you knew how to relax like me!" Mama says, "My word he is getting bigger!" *sob*

We are now home and I am in my "nightgown" (sweat pants and a t-shirt that says "Vermont, Spooning New Hampshire since 1791. Sexy. Did I ever tell you about the time I told Nick "I am going to get my night gown on" then came out in a holey old t-shirt and sweats?? Yeah. He reminds me of it a lot...) Now Nick is playing video games and I am typing this with a precious boy in my lap. All in all this is a perfect Sunday.


  1. Awesome shirt! ;)

    He's getting to big. He looks like a giant baby in Nick's arms. Those limbs are just so long!!!!

  2. It sounds like a perfect Sunday to me too!! Glad you all had such a wonderful day x
