Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Henry's Sweet Laugh...It Makes Everyone Feel Better
Yes, I realize he stops laughing after fifteen seconds and I tape another twenty seconds hoping for another laugh. Oops. Still, Boo and Missy sound pretty funny. The entire video warms my heart.
I am off to bed. All well wishes and prayers for my mom are really appreciated. She got released today and stayed the night in-town with my little sister. I am off work tomorrow to help her and we are going back in to see the doctor. They are removing some packing (horrible stuff, but I won't go into that) from her nose and we will see how the bleeding goes. Hopefully she will have finally clotted and the worst will be behind us. Hopefully, hopefully. My poor little Mommy.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Home Sweet Home

Also, my sweet Mama had surgery today. It was suppose to be out-patient, but ended up requiring her to spend the night in the hospital. No good at all. Henry (and the rest of the family) wanted to send out lots and lots of get well wishes to his perfect Nanny! XOXO
Friday, September 25, 2009
Heading Out
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I go back to loading dishes. I seeing the movement again out of the corner of my eye. Yes. He is THERE! Oh Lord, he is about to GET ME! I spin around again...nothing. I turn back to the dishes. Confused. Then I see it. The "movement" It'' own shadow. YES. I actually jumped (TWICE!) at my very own shadow. Nick was studying on the couch, completely unaware of what a baby his wife has was just me and my terrifying shadow. SHAME.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Road Trip
Then...well, Henry was born. And he is just so sweet and easy. He doesn't mind being in the car. He loves his stroller and his sling. He is happy pretty much anywhere we take him, so I wasn't as against the idea. Then my little sister mentioned that she was going to Chicago to spend the weekend with one of her friends and I jumped at the chance for company in the car. So...before I knew it I had said we were coming (my big sister too...because she could NEVER miss a road trip!) and just like that Henry is going on his first big trip to see the windy city.
Hopefully he will do okay in the car for six hours. Hopefully he will sleep okay in a pack n' play. Hopefully he will be as good as he is at home (as he sits right now in my lap as I type this, just smiling up a storm and sucking on his thumb) but even if he is at his worst, I know I will enjoy myself. As soon as we decided to go I just got so excited. I need this trip. I need the girl time and the chance to catch up with my sweet friend. I need to get out of town and to just take a little break from home and chores and work. We will miss Nick, but it will be a great weekend. Especially if Henry is good! Keep your fingers crossed for me...and if you have any advice for traveling with a four month old I would LOVE to hear it!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
First Food
He was so happy and would laugh and talk between every bite. I told Nick to take a video towards the end, because he was SO into it and just so darn cute. Henry starts the video off by burping (that's his Papa's boy!) and then of course he loses all interest in food. He realized the camera was on him and he can't take his eyes off it. Also, he falls over in his bumbo seat. I swear he can sit in that thing...clearly he was distracted. And I guess I was too because I let him just slump all the way over to one side. Bad Mama. Anyway, LOOK!! A new Henry video!!
First Food from Sarah on Vimeo.
**When I fed him today the happy laughs and talking between bites was gone. Replaced by angry looks and occasional cries of annoyance at how long it takes me to load up the spoon with the next bite. Pushy, this one.**Tuesday, September 15, 2009
So when I was home with Henry yesterday I happened to be walking through the living room and looked out the window and saw this adorable, fit, red headed girl jogging down our street. I did not see her once, not twice, but THREE TIMES during the day. THREE TIMES she jogged down my street (that I saw...lord only knows how many times she ACTUALLY ran down the street...). Her ipod ear-plugs were in and she wasn't even out of breath. Just out for a lovely jog on a nice fall day. Although I personally did not jog on Monday, I did consume an alarming amount of pasta...and three oatmeal cream pies. They are healthy because they are oatmeal. Don't get me started. I will fight you to the death on this matter. HEALTHY.
Anyway, the adorable red head has got me thinking....I think I should do a little exercising. I mean, I am not going to go all crazy and jog THREE TIMES A DAY or anything (okay, maybe she didn't take three seperate jogs, but rather one LONG jog, but get my point), but maybe I could handle jogging, like three times a week. What do you all think? Before you place a vote on if you think I can do it, I should mention a few things....
*I was on the track team. In middle school. ( I am really proud about this, so I just wanted to remind you)
*Once, when running for the track team, the coach informed me that I ran like a shot chicken. This was in the hay day of my physical really I can only have gone down from there.
*Another day on the track team (oh all the memories) I was doing conditioning, and a teacher of mine drove by. the next day she asked if I was okay, because I looked "close to death" while running around the school. This was well into the track season and I was "fit".
*I have sports induced asthma...but I have an inhaler around here someplace.
*I haven't consistently exercised since middle school.
*I tried to jog once back about a year and a half ago. Yes, just the once. I got on adorable work-out clothes and set my ipod to some "pump you up" play list. I figured I would jog one song, walk one song. About 25 seconds in I thought I was going to die. I did a 3min walk, 30 second jog cycle. I was sore for a week. I haven't been back out since, but I do still ejoy the playlist.
*I am very clumsy. Good chance I will bite the dust.
Okay, so there is my list. Still, I keep hearing about this couch potato to 5K thing...and I am tempted. Really tempted. I mean, how hard can it be? I just gotta run...that red head can do it. I think I am going to give it a go!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Four Month Stats
Height 24 1/4 inches (10-25 percentile)
Weight 11 pounds 13 ounces (5 percentile)...he is a skinny little guy!
Head 16 1/4 inches (25-50 percentile)...very smart what with that giant brain
So our little guy is still on the small side, but we expected that. The doctor was very happy with his growth and said he was perfect. We already knew that, but still it is nice to have the experts opinion!
Damn...I hear him fussing. Guess I wont be picking up the house after all...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Four Months
Friday, September 11, 2009
Memories of a Date
I remember thinking that this day should be a national holiday. A day set aside to remember. I thought it was strange, almost wrong, as people went on about their days as normal in the years that passed. I don't know what I wanted, but as previews came on the TV for movies and their release date was September 11th, I thought "How odd...what a terrible day to choose". When my brother-in-law graduated, his graduation date was September 11th. And again I thought, "Why not choose a different day? Shouldn't it be a day to remember? A day to morn our countries losses." I know the world and life cannot stop, but I felt it could at least slow down. Out of respect. Out of morning. To remember.
Then there was last year. Last year on September 11th I had my egg retrieval. The day that Henry was made. The day that my six other little embryos that are frozen were made as well. One of the most important days of my entire life. I thought very little of our nations past on that day. I thought only of my families future. Of our hopes and our dreams all riding on one day. On September 11th. Now the date has a double meaning. One of the saddest days in our nations history. And one of the happiest days of my life. I still think it should be a day to remember. I just now have more things that are worth remembering. And now I understand a little more that life goes on. That we cannot all just stop our lives to remember. We do better remembering by living our lives, not by standing still.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Weekend Pictures...of Henry of Course
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Flu Free
I, for one, was VERY worried about my mom! She has Rheumatoid Arthritis (which, in case you don't know, is not like normal arthritis, but is just a horrible autoimmune disease) which has been giving her issues for quite some time. She is on a medication which suppresses her immune system, so the last thing she needed was the flu!
Anyway, she was worried about Henry, the rest of the family was worried about her. Still, I wont deny that I was not excited about the idea of a four month old with the H1N1 flu...not at all. I mean, flu is horrible for someone who understands why they feel that bad. What do you do for a baby that has no idea what is happening?? Sounds like a nightmare. For him and for us.
Well, I am happy to report that after three days of paranoia around here (every little sniffle or upset stomach, body ache or exhaustion led to ,"Oh here it is! the SWINE flu!! HORROR!!!) We have passed the incubation period and are flu free! I have never been one to worry about getting sick, but clearly having Henry has changed that. I mean, when I got sick before him I could crawl in bed and feel like I am going to die. Not fun, but at least the only person I had to worry about was myself. Now when I think about the flu my first thought is how I don't want him to get it. How I don't want him to be miserable. And then...oh I don't want to get it AND him get it at the same time. Because that sounds like Hell. Looks like this will be the first year I will bother to get my flu shot.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Draft Day
Draft Day from Sarah on Vimeo.
For those of you that say, "that was EXACTLY like the last video!" I say to you, "NO WAY! It was TOTALLY different...I mean, he is in his Jammies! and he is in his chair! And...and...just TOTALLY different!"Henry started out the draft strong...full of smack talk and everything.
Henry says, "You think you can take ME? You got NOTHING on ME!!"
but turns out the draft gets a little dull...
so he passed out around the eighth round. Rookie.