
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sammie Update

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments. Our pets are such a part of our family. It is just hard to imagine them not being here, especially after seventeen years. I talked to the vet and they said that the blood was most likely just him busting a blood vessel. That as long as he is still eating, drinking and walking around that he is okay. He said to keep an eye on him. He said basically what you all said. Is he having more good days or more bad days? That will be the real question. For now, I am not ready. He is not ready. But still...I don't think we have a lot longer with our sweet old man.


  1. It is soooo hard. :( As I told you before Mortimer was good up until a point and then I had to take him in when he declined. Kisses to Sam and a big hug to you!

  2. Sweet little Sammie. I think you will know when he is ready. You will!!! Xoxo

  3. Aww I'm so glad to hear the Sammie will be with you for a while longer. Love him and give him lots of cuddles while he is still with you.
    By the way he is a beautiful little kitty

  4. I am glad the vet thinks Sammie is okay and you will have some more time with him.

  5. Sarah, we walked through that last year at this same time and it is still so hard to swallow. We love our pets and believe they are a HUGE part of the family. So sorry Sammy is sick.
