
Saturday, October 10, 2009


Our lab had our summer outing this weekend. Actually...we were a little behind on planning the event, so it sorta turned into a fall outing. Anyway, here are the wonderful people I work with!
We all headed out to Keeneland, which is a race track here in our city. There are tons of people that go to Keeneland during the six weekends it is open a year. TONS OF PEOPLE. We tailgated and hung out, then headed in for a few races. We decided to bring Henry along. It was just easier for both me and him. (We are taking the "have baby-will travel" style of parenting and it is working well for us!) It ended up being a great decision. He loved it!

Look! Henry with horses! Okay...Henry is sound asleep. Still, I am sure he loved it in his dreams.After the second race he woke up and was really happy to see his Mama!
Sweet sweet Henry and his first of many trips to Keeneland.


  1. Did Henry make any bets?
    He looks like he really enjoyed himself!

  2. Henry is VERY handsome! I love his smile!!

