
Monday, October 19, 2009


My sisters took me out on Saturday as an early birthday present (my birthday is still a week away..and also, they also got me a Chi hair straighter...the LOVE. Oh my. My hair will forever be grateful to them!!) Anyway, we headed out for lunch and a movie (we saw Love Happens...which was cute. I debated over some other movies, but when it came down to it, I know Nick would NEVER see Love Happens, so the decision was made) We had such a great time. Laughing and talking at lunch. Laughing (and maybe talking a little) during the movie. Laughing and talking the entire way home. And it got me thinking.

I love my sisters. I love them more than I can really tell you. I love them like they are apart of myself. I guess, actually, the are a part of myself. A part that I cannot live without. I know everyone is not as close to their siblings as I am, and I know I am so so lucky. My sisters are my very best friends. My closest confidants, my truest defenders. They will fight to the death to defend me, even if they know I am wrong. They love Nick like a brother and they love Henry like their own child. They are my sweet and perfect sisters.

And as I think of them, I realize how much I want more children. Not in the way I wanted Henry. I wanted Henry for me and for Nick. I wanted Henry...more than I have ever wanted anything. It was the most selfish desire. I NEEDED him. And now, when I think of having more, I know I WANT them. I know my heart will grow and I will love them as I love Henry. I will be unable to think of my life before them. But for now, my heart is full. For now my heart is happy with my perfect boy. Now, I want other children for me, but I need them for Henry. For him to have a chance at having what my sisters and I have. That very perfect best friend. That true confidant. That person who will defend you to the death, even when they know you are wrong. I hope we are able to give him siblings, because I want the best for him. And the best for me are my sisters. I cannot imagine my life without them.

I love you girls. Thanks for my perfect birthday gift and my perfect day with you two!


  1. AWWWWWWW! I almost cried at work... Thanks for such a sweet shout-out. Love you, Missy

  2. You got a CHI straighnter? You are so lucky!! I want one of those so bad. My birthday is in two weeks and I think I mabye buying one of those as a gift to me, from me. It's ok to do that right?

    I saw Love Happens twice in the theater. I thought it was a great moive.

    I'm so glad you have your sisters in your life. It sounds like you all get along great.

    And really henry is getting cuter by the day!

  3. Finally a CHI! Yay!!! I just adored your sisters whenever I was around them. Sisters are the best!
